Three - Leaving You

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Leaving You

Flashback to before Tae received a call

It was a long silence during our ride. I guess we are now a stranger. Sometimes I glanced at him but he did not even bother with it

'If you choose this way, then I will too' I thought

He park the car and pulled up the hang-break. This place seem familiar to me. I glanced at him to see if this is our destination

"We've arrived" he said and took up his seatbelt. I did the same and get off from the car. He noticed my confused expression "Taehyung ask me to take you here"

"How about Taeyong? Aren't we supposed to fetch him now? It half pass 11 already" I asked

"Taehyung will fetch him so do not worry. Now let's go inside" Jimin said and lead the way. Like a gentleman, he help with with the chair. "I'm leaving"

He was about to walked away but I stopped him by grabbing his wrist "Why are you acting like this toward me Jimin?" I said not looking at him

I heard a sigh coming from him. He slowly removed my hand from him "Because it is the only way to stop me from falling for you even harder" he said and about to walk again. He was stopped when I spoke

"Can't we be friend anymore? We seem like a stranger now. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable around me but I'm fine if you want to stop interacting with me. It's just... at least.. tell me that you don't want to interact with me anymore. I'll stop from trying act friendly toward you" I said in slow tone

"We're still friend. Not friend but bestfriend. I'll always be there for you when you need me. It's just... right now... I'm having a break with you to stop myself from loving you more than friend" he said and walked away

I sighed and wait for Taehyung

Times Skip to 1:30

Where is Taehyung? Should I call him? Maybe he is on his way here. Did he fetch Taeyong already?

Times Skip to 2:10

All the food have been served since 2 hours ago yet he still not here.

Should I call him? No y/n, he wont like it if you did that. I called for the waiter to warm the food again.

Times Skip to 2:45

I had enough with waiting. I was about to leave when the restaurant worker stopped me "Mrs. Kim, you haven't pay the food"

"I did not eat it at all so why would I pay for it" I said coldly. He flinched. Maybe he afraid of Taehyung "How much is it?"

"1,000,000 won" my eyes went wide as he said the price

"Bu-but..." I look for my cash or card inside the purse "Use this" I gave him the card. It was my debit card that I used for emergency. I forgot to bring my other card that every month Tae bank in for that card.

"Mrs. Kim, I'm sorry but you don't have enough amount to pay for the food" he said and I can hear a chuckled behind my back

"Married to a Mafia Boss yet don't have money"

"Probably she is only his slut that is why he marry her"

"I think so too. I don't know what Mr. Kim see in her. Pretty face but with a slut personality"

I can hear they were laughing now. I was in verge of sob. My eyes getting teary.

"How much is there? I will use cash"

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