Six - Remember

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[Tae POV]
I woke up to the light that coming in by the curtain. I yawn and tried to get off the bed but stopped when I realised that Y/n hands was around my waist. I smiled as remembered what happen yesterday. I played with her hand and suddenly her eyes started to open

"Good morning kitten" she blinked many times and widened her eyes later

"I'm not having a wet dream right?" I chuckled at her cuteness and shook my head

"You're not dreaming kitten. We really did it. Finally" I said and giggled

"Taeyong! He need to go to school!" she about to sit but I stopped her by pulling her down. She are now sit on top.

"It Saturday kitten. No school on Saturday" she sighed in relief then smiled in embarrassment when she realised that our naked body were connected. I repeat 'Naked'

She bend down and hide her face on my chest. I can felt her chest keep going up and down fast as she was breathing hardly.

"Stop breathing so hard kitten. You will turn me on once again" she tried to breathe normally. Keyword 'tried'

"Stop embarrassing me Taetae" she whispered

"You want another round?" she backed off and laid beside me. She pulled over the blanket to cover herself "I'm just kidding. It's Saturday and all the guys might be here. I don't care about them because they always hear us. What I care is Yongyong. He might bad thinking of me" I smirked

"Taetae" she gave me a glare 'Don't you dare teach my son about that stuff'

We stay silent and keep staring at each other until I remember about our old memories.

"Do you remember the second times we had a sex? Or we can said me" I smiled shyly. She look at me in confusion "The night when you cried for the whole time"

She sighed and nodded. Now I regret for bringing back the old memory

"What about it Tae?" her soft voice can get me pregnant. OMG

"I thought you would like it and begged me for more. But you begged me to stop. I also thought that if a girl begged to stop, it means they want more. I guess I was wrong" I rubbed back of my neck and sit on the bed. She did the same and hold my hand

"I felt pleasure at the night..." I widened my eyes at her words "... but you did it when you were drunk and I thought you force in me to make you forget about your problems... and ..."

"And what kitten?" I asked softly

"... and I cried because you will never fall for me. You just need a baby. That is why I cried and let you did everything for me. I do not want to fall for you but... you know what happen next"

I sighed "The next day when I was woke up after hearing your sob. I felt really guilty for forcing into you. I got scolded by Jin hyung the most. But I really want to thanks that night because..." I cupped her cheeks "... I fall for you after that night. I changed for you" she look at me in confusion

"Changed you?"

"I became more soft after that night especially in front of you" she scoffed and look at me in disbelief

"If that is what you called as soft. Oh god help me" she pretend that she was praying

"Kitten" I called her and she look at me then mouth 'sorry' "I have a soft spot in me for you. I just did not act soft toward you because I do not want to look weak in front of you and the guys. But they know me better than I know myself so they can see that I changed after you appear"

"Tell me which part you called as 'soft'" she mocked the 'soft' part

"Remember the time when you have to work extra time because there is a promotion on that day? *she look at me in confusion* the night when you went back home at 1 in the morning"

"Ahhh that night. I remember. It was a hard day ever"

"I know. And I even know that you received a threatening letter from one of you workmate" she close her mouth and gasped "I know about that kitten but I did nothing to her except for..."

Flashback to that night

I was waiting for her at home. I was informed by Mr. Lim (a/n read book 1 to know who is him) that she will work until late night. Suddenly I heard a car engine outside and remained cool on the couch. The front door was unlocked but she is not here yet.

"NOOOOOO!" I heard her voice and went outside to see Mr. Lim was struggling in waking her up

"Let me do it" Mr. Lim flinched and stepped aside. I walk to her and carried her

"Mr. Kim, I did not know you were here. I'm sorry for the trouble"

I smiled and of course he was *JUNGSHOOK* to see my limited smile "It's okay. Next time please don't make her go home late" he nodded. I was about to enter the house when I heard Mr. Lim called my name

"Boss *I turn around* Miss Y/n received this in the morning" he said and took out a letter

"Read it"

Dear stupid little slut,

I know that you are pregnant that handsome mafia boss. At first I do not mind at all but when I saw him in real live, I took all my words back. I WANT HIM!

I have a video of you making out with him. Obviously I couldn't see him in the video and I must admit that he is so fucking handsome in person

Leave him and I will delete your sex video

I gasped and about to shouted but I was stopped when y/n suddenly wrapped her arm around my neck tightly.

"Mr. Kim?" I turned to Mr. Lim

"Keep eyes on her. I don't want to hear anything about this again. Make sure who threatened her receive a punishment. Whoever messes with her will face the consequences"

"*Mr. Lim bowed* Consider it all done" I nodded and enter the house

End of Flashback

"So that is what you called as soft?"

"Yes miss- I meant Mrs. Kim" she giggled cutely.

"No wonder she started to act nice after that day. I thought she was faking it and I even avoid from being close to her because *she went closer to me*

I thought she's gay" we both laughed


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