Five - You're my Light

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You're my Light

[Tae POV]
Why did she decided to cut herself. Is it because of me? Did I make her suffer? I wonder if she feel regret marrying me. If only Taeyong see his mother like this, I bet he will blame me or himself for not taking care of his mother.

I observed her innocent sleeping face. I removed a hair out of her face. I'm sorry kitten. It is all my fault. If I did not forget my surprise date, your old habit will never came back. I sighed as I remember her old memories

Flashback to after he proposed Y/N

We were watching sunset and suddenly she stared at me. I hold her hand and look at her too "What's wrong?"

She smiled "You want to know where did I get this scar?" she pointed to her upper arm as she rolled up her sleeve.

"Out of nowhere" I joked then nodded

"I was bullied before and obviously I feel depressed and cut myself. Since I do not want teacher ask about my scar, I cut my upper arm instead of wrist" I gasped and cupped her face

"Why did you just told me this? You should've told me sooner" she giggled

"Because it happen before I met you. I don't think it is a necessary to tell about. It's not that important btw" I shook my head

"It is important. Tell me who did it? Let me seek a revenge for you"

"Taetae" she pulled out her index "I forgive them already" I smiled at her still cupping her cheeks "That is why there razor inside out bathroom" I widened my eyes and examined her other upper arm

"Did you—"

"Hey Hey" she said as she stopped myself from examine her "I left that habit long time ago, Tae. I put the razor in our bathroom after Yoona appeared because I thought it might usefull for me. But I don't think I need it already so you can throw it away"

End of Flashback

'I should have throw that fcking razor away' I thought

I kissed her forehead then lay beside her. It night already. She have been passed out for 4 hours (A/N Tae saw her in the bathroom at 5 and it 9pm already)

I stared at the ceiling and sing a song

When I close my eyes in the darkness there's our light woah,
Lights the way for me,
We can walk forward without fear you & I woah,
You're my light you're my light,
Always shine into my heart,
You're my light you're my light,
No matter how far apart we are,
Your light shines on me.

I woke up because of a deep voice were singing and I know who is the owner of that voice. I keep my eyes shut and listen to him.

"Your light shines on me"

"I'm sorry kitten" he said as he stopped singing, I can feel his movement and it feel like he is looking at me now. I gulped due to nervousness. Suddenly I heard a chuckle from him "I know you awake already kitten" I stayed silent "Did I wake you up? I shouldn't sing it loudly" he giggled. After a long silence a sigh came out from his mouth "I know you are mad at me. But please kitten just this one time, I beg for your forgiveness" he sound so cute when he begging for something. I should remain silent but I could not bear his cuteness. I hover on him

"I forgive you" I poked his nose

His box smile are shown "Really? Thank you kitten" he sat down making me sat on his lap "I love you" he peck my lips

"I love you more" I peck his lips too "But that is not how you kiss me" I pouted

"Okay" I look at him in confusion when he place me down on the bed then went to the door

'Is he going to leave me? Like again?' I thought

I sighed as he went out. I look at my wrist. It were bandaged nicely.

'At least he know that I cut myself and clean the wound for me. But yeah he still did nothing to please me' I thought and walked to the closet. I took out a sweatshirt and about to wear it when I was stopped

"What are you doing kitten?" I flinched


"I did not make you wear that for you to change it again"

"You change my cloth?" I look down and realised that I was wearing this

He chuckled and nodded "It really turn me on seeing you in that lace" he smirked

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He chuckled and nodded "It really turn me on seeing you in that lace" he smirked. I blushed and look down. A click can be heard. I looked up to see Taehyung lock the door

"Taetae? What are you doing?" he smirked become more obvious as he walk toward me

"You told me that our previous kiss is not the perfect one" I backed off until I bumped to the wall

'Wtf is this wall doing here?' i thought

He pinned me and move his head closer to me. He decreased the gap and left no space between us as his lips on mine. He kissed me passionately making me wrapped my arm around his neck. He pulled away and smiled to me

"Jump" he hold my waist as I jump while wrapping my leg around his waist. We continue kissing. I can sense that he is walking as I feel him walking. He place me on the bed still kissing me. "Ready? It's been a long time for us having a sex. We might feel more pleasure tonight" he ripped off the lace

"Taeee" I whined and covered myself "Why would you let me wear that for you to rip it" I pouted

"Stop covering yourself" he said as he removed my hands "You're beautiful. I will punish you for hurting yourself because I'm the only one who can hurt you... in pleasure way" he smirked


"He sleep with Hoseok hyung downstairs" I nodded "Taeyong might having a little brother or sister by tonight because I won't go easy with you"

I slapped his arm in embarrassment

"You know that I have been keep myself from having a sex with you for a long time right. Now, I won't let it go easily" he hover on me and kiss me again

(A/n and you know what happen next)



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