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it was 5:55 in the evening and johnny was expecting felix to show up any second now. he was nervous as hell, pacing around the kitchen with a wooden spoon he used to stir his food with in one hand and a cup of water in the other.

he had approached felix earlier that day, just as promised, and had told him the details about their planned-out evening. johnny was expecting felix for a home-cooked dinner, talking about whatever came to their minds and also finally doing what he had promised felix to do: show him what's beautiful about words.

suddenly, the doorbell chimed, ripping johnny out of his thoughts. he put the things in his hands down on the counter, wiping them on his pants and rushed to open the door. johnny had dressed in tight black jeans and a white button-up loosely hanging around his shoulders and also having put on a chain necklace.

he really hoped felix would like his attire.

opening the door, his brightest smile creeped its way onto his face, metaphorically blinding felix, who was looking up at johnny with a smile equalling the happiness johnny was exuding.

"hey, it's good to see you," johnny said, opening the door further.

felix took the invitation and entered the apartment, taking off his jacket and shoes while greeting johnny back.

"would you like to eat?"


later that night, felix and johnny were sitting on the couch comfortably while watching whatever show was just on tv. they were talking animatedly about their favorite shows and movies, commenting on the things shown on tv and laughing about everything and anything.

if the way felix's eyes were crinkling up was anything to go by, johnny assumed that he had made felix happy. he had achieved his goal, and it made him glow with confidence.

"felix, i want to tell you something."

"oh, of course, go ahead. i can't wait to hear what it is," felix replied cheekily, exposing his shiny white teeth.

johnny took a few deep breaths, organizing the words he was about to say. he wanted to tell felix how he felt, but he wanted to disguise it with the help of philosophy. he had prepared his little speech before, and he was really nervous to say it out loud.

"jean anouilh once said something really inspiring, but i've never grasped the whole meaning of said words until i met someone. his words were: 'there is love, of course. and then there’s life, its enemy.' for me, this saying means that, in order to overcome the obstacles put in our way, not only in love between two or more people but also with whatever we love, we have to go out of our way sometimes. life as the enemy of love is just a test to make you realize if it's worth fighting for or not. recently, i have started to fight for what i love and i don't regret it at all. the person that made me realize this was you, felix. we haven't known each other for long, but i know i need you in my life forever. i'm falling for you, and i can't stop it. i really, really like you, felix lee."

johnny finished his little speech, feeling out of breath. he knew about the risks of telling felix about his developing feelings, but he knew it was worth fighting for it. he had to overcome the obstacles, and in this case, his own fear was the biggest burden.

felix had been starstruck the whole time. it was as if suddenly he saw the true beauty of words, of philosophy, the meaning of life, of johnny. his own progressing feelings for johnny. the other guy had done so much for him, probably without even realizing it, and felix couldn't be any more thankful. that said guy also confessed to him with probably the best choice of words in the whole words made felix see everything.

"i like you, too, johnny. a lot."

the power of words [nct x stray kids] [johnny x felix]✅Where stories live. Discover now