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The plastic became bothersome between my hands as it was stuck together thoroughly and the edges were also tough to get between. My nails running through to try and get it. Though it seemed I was not so fortunate as my hands fumbled some more and as I did this my eyes looked up, making sure no eyes had found me but as luck would have it, the MD was stood watching on. Smiling and letting me struggle as he found pleasure.

"Here." He walked from round the other side and a glance of 'be quite' was sent like daggers from one of the on floor doctors. Dr Candelario, as she hoped for the silence and of course I had to mess it up as my hands slipped and the package, as well as its loud set of contents hit the floor. Making a few people jump as I reddened. Max swept in and picked up the bag and opened it quickly. I thanked him and went to have a check on my patient as they waited for me in the bed.

"Sorry that took so long. Now, let us check your nose and throat now. See if we can get that thing out as well." Chloe nodded and I wanted to roll my eyes as she typed on her phone even more. Like I was worth nothing to her. And that became clear.

"Look. You may have all day but I do not. Hurry up or we will have trouble. Little miss I attended some crappy university and managed to work here." My eyes brightened and she looked at me as if I was just insane.

"I studied at Cambridge in England. I finished as top student of my class with the highest grades and I am a Brit working in America. Unlike you, I am applying myself and that is what matters. Just because you are typing, it doesn't mean you are the best person. It is a scientific fact that people who spend their lives on their phone have a worse mental state than those not constantly on their phone and they have better mental skills not to mention ability to handle confrontation and other people's emotions. Now, what were you saying about me and my pointless and failed life?" She silenced and let me do as I needed to.

Perhaps patience wasn't my strong point at that very moment but it had passed. Not only that but words couldn't be taken back and so when I was done she had kept to herself and I thanked her for allowing me to work as needed. That was clearly what she had chosen and that was priceless. Especially when in a bad mood.

Just as I closed the curtain again from behind me my face was met by a body only inches away. It stank of  Paco Rabanne and I looked up in amazement and also questioningly. Max was looking down at me as he waited to see if I would say anything.
"What do you want?" He was silent for a second before gesturing for me to follow him and that I did like a common dog but he was acting weird. He had since Matthew passed and it was starting to bother me. His backward glances occured commonly and he also kept touching my upper arm to help me come along. Eventually though we got to the on-call room. A small bed with storage all around. Not much space. Not enough for the both of us but it worked to match our needs for the short few minutes we would be talking for.

"Venus. I need to have a word. I think that you should take the time off. To help you mentally and we both know you need this." His eyes watched me as I took in the information and he knew that I would not take it too well. Clearly as he squinted ever so slightly but his face showed a stubborn and certainty within.

"Look, if this is about me and my patient she tried to tell me that her unemployed ass was more important than my working ass. I mean, unemployed people have lives and are worth something but she treated me like I was worthless because I was just a doctor. I won't take that time off." His eyes pierced through me in a way that I had never seen him do before as a thought seemed to trickle through his mind.

"I don't think you are listening to me because I left no space for debate. Time off for at least three weeks and that is final." He seemed to be done as I stood in complete shock and my mouth dropped slightly as he thought I would just do it. And with that he did leave the room. Whilst I stood still in the room, alone, but I could see him walking down the hall from where I stood looking out.

"I will take a month off but don't expect me to come back." He turned back around and walked right up to the door. I seemed to take a second before moving so he could easily come in and he stood where I had been. Only the door had closed once again.

"What?" He really didn't believe what I was saying as I stood probably looking as stubborn as he did when speaking to me. He was acting like I was a child he could tell what to do and I would obey like a dog hoping to just go for a walk.

"I have wanted to quit for the longest time and you have given me a reason to do so. Now, oh for all that is good and holy, sit at the head of the bed." He looked at me and slowly did as I said. The lack of any space at either side of the bed meant that he climbed and a second later I climbed. Looking directly as him as he sat looking cautiously at me. His eyes stared at me in a daydream until I drew closer and he took in a gulp.

"Open wide." The light was never on in the room and so my torch would be more effective as well. Not just that but we sat close enough for me to see properly but as I said this he stood again and began to climb over to the door. Angry as he did so.

"I am refusing your resignation and expect to see you in three weeks. Finish this shift first. My throat is no reason for you to be concerned." He was out and I was flustered. Confused as to how he acted so sporadically and stupidly. Believing that his words would work.

As I left the room I spotted Vijay and raised my eyebrows at him. Sighing quite heavily whilst also walking. Managing to fall into step with him as he walked over to see Frome, I suspected as he rarely headed down that specific hall unless he was going to Frome.

"Vijay. What would you do if Dr Goodwin wasn't even trying to listen to you? I mean, too set in his ways to accept that I am speaking." He sighed as he wiggled his fingers that hung over his pocket as they always did. Trying to think up a response to it.

"Just talk to Fulton. He is currently in Max's office and I believe Max is avoiding him like the plague at the moment." I thanked him and let him talk to who he needed alone. My turn not being far. And within a few minutes I was outside the room and gave a strong knock that Fulton answered and I walked in.

"Max isn't in here." I nodded happily and he seemed to understand that Max wasn't much of a bother to me at that moment in time.

"Actually sir, I am here to see you. Dr Goodwin is a difficult man you see. I have decided to resign and in true Goodwin style he has refused it. I just ask that you sign all the forms. He can't go that far against you can he?" I really was asking and he seemed to be picking up on that as he nodded and laughed at me disbelieving.

"I can. Dare I ask why you want to quit and why he won't let you?" I shrugged honestly at him as we both stood looking at one another. Trying to engage what the other person's actions would be next. That was apparently the last thing we needed to do as Max had then walked in rather dramatically.

"What are you talking about?" As he asked I gave a smile and turned, trying to leave the room. But he closed the door behind him as he wanted to talk to me properly. Without interruption.

"She wishes to leave and I am willing to sign her off of work. None of your business but I am sure you will be hiring a million more people to take her very place. Unless, you two can come to an agreement. I can wait but Max, don't keep avoiding me." Fulton let sit bluntly as he walked from the room and gave a backwards glance to me. Clearly wishing me luck.

"Why not just talk to Frome? Once a week for a few weeks?" I licked my teeth and smiled whilst also giving him a smile. Walking close and sitting on the desk directly beside him. Thinking through how to place my answer before him.

"For four weeks I will see Frome. Once a week but after that..." He was so quick to interrupt me that he filled in what he was guessing I was going to say to him and also whilst he figured about what he would be doing next. Or at least, he looked to be muling it over.

"You won't and everything has to go back to how it was. Don't worry and I will only ask you to carry on if you want to or if Frome finds that it is vital to you for the continued support from him." Max was close to me as my knee almost met him and if I moved my legs an inch further out my thigh would be against him. And with that he held me in a hug. For some kind of reason.

"No Dr Goodwin, I will only attend those four months as I am contractually obligated to work for the four weeks after my resignation. Now, I need to get back to my floor." As I said this I wiggled out of his arms to find Fulton.

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