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When the door was swung open for us all I felt the cold air from the air-conditioning smashing my face at high speeds before I walked past it and into the main room. Tables sprinkled about until finally one of the tables was empty and I sat at it. People had followed me to it and I pulled out my phone to see who had text me. A few messages were sent as a short and quick reply before I looked up and placed my phone down. That was when I saw all of them sat smiling and chatting to one another. I was at the end so I could watch the floor and the people dancing as well as listening into their discussion with all of the others. That was when I saw Dr Goodwin. I didn't let my eyes linger as I noticed he was sat rather quietly.

"What about we eat and drink then dance? That way we can eat now and not worry about coming back for food?" Vijay suggested and I was more than happy to agree as my stomach growled and had it not been so loud they would have heard it clearly as the food was spoken of.

We then began to pick what we wanted and then I was offered as sacrifice to make the order at the till. Cash being thrown at me as well as a list of food sent to my phone as I stood and collected the cash from them all.
"It's always wrong throwing cash at a girl in a club. No matter the occasion." I smiled and glanced at the speaker. Reynolds still smiling as he finished saying it.

"I've been told that I act like a call girl. Perhaps it is very apt." Nothing else being said I turn and walk to the bar. Making the order and giving my table to the server. He had long brown hair and rings on most of his fingers. About late forties I would have said. Then I thanked him and walked back. Placing the receipt in my pocket and sitting at the table again with a grin.

"You going to dance?" Bloom asked from my side and after a second of consideration I nodded and looked at the room around me. Smiles filling the room and the intoxicating smell of alcohol and the odd whiff of illegal substances. That was quickly forgotten after five minutes as food was brought to us. They were very quick.

My chips were eaten as the hot potato was picked at until finally gone. Most still eating as they had picked more food than me but that didn't matter as I stood quickly and lifted my eyebrows. Telling them that I was off to the busy floor. Promising to return to the front door at the chosen time before I walked off.

"Oy, Venus. Did you wear that under your scrubs?" I nodded and looked down at what Reynolds had just pointed out. Ripped jeans and a tight top was worn, the clothes were thin so the multiple layers wouldn't make me overheat quickly. A trick I had learnt very early on in my career.

After a second I turned around again and found myself lost in the crowd. People all around me as I danced. Music blaring and bodies moving around me as they also moved. To others around me they probably wouldn't have been able to see me so well as I was considerably shorter than them and my red hair was easily lost in the crowd. My pale skin may have been a better indicator but I was in shadows so it was also difficult.

Just as I felt like the crowd had claimed me I found a strong pair of arms wrap around me. I looked up so quickly I may have done something to my neck and I also spun around. To my delight a handsome stranger was stood, smiling down at me and I felt his hands tighten around me. We were chest to chest and he worked out. Dark brown hair was short and gelled to spike in the centre as the sides were shorter and his brown eyes were beautiful as he looked at me with something in his eye. His skin was slightly darker and his nose was in perfect proportion to his face. A face that held a jaw fit to slice cheese.

"Oh yeah? And you are?" I was teasing and I could feel the smile grow on my face as I watched him pull out some smooth moves along with the music.

"My name is Alec. Alec Leo Thomas and I notice that you are British. Dare I ask your name?" I felt the smirk that rested on my face as I looked up. His eyes keeping to mine as we danced closely together with people passing both of us to get somewhere else.

"My name is Venus Rose Waters." His eyebrow was arched as his hands moved me closer to his chest and someone passed the both of us by. He was only keeping me from being pushed by whoever it was and I was grateful for it.

"Venus being the Roman goddess equivalent of lovely Aphrodite. Rose being her flower and she was born of the waters. I have a history degree." He winked at me and that was then my turn to nod and make a face of surprise and acknowledgement. He was smart that was sure and the sweet glasses he wore made him seem a little more attractive and also smart.
"What do you do for a job? Not an actor here to make it big I hope." I shook my head and watched as he let his hand slip up to my chin and tilt my head up a little more. Our eyes meeting and not leaving until I smirked and went to speak.

"Goodness no. I am a doctor at the local hospital. Not quite a history degree but I did study it for a term as my roommate was studying it so I did too." He had a laugh that could make butter melt and I was in some dangerous waters. I had to drive the others home but he was as cute as a button and I liked him. It was almost definitely a stupid idea to get involved with him but I had to do it. Just for a while.

"A doctor? So smart and sexy." I smiled and felt his arms pull me a little closer as he also tilted his head and for a while our lips met. His were soft and he kissed with a sense of urgency as his lips met mine and he seemed to devour mine. His tongue was quick to meet my bottom lip and I let him in but we had to pull back as people kept pulling at us. His eyes flashed darkly for a second and he pulled me back to kiss him.

We stayed there for a while before my back hurt and his was sure to and so I pulled away. My hands in his hair and then down they went to his shoulders and then to his waist. A smile on his face and I was sure that I had one on mine. That was when I felt a pull at my waist and I was a step back from Alec. He had a face of confusion as this happened. I was only a step or two back but we couldn't quite reach one another and so I quickly took out my phone and placed it in his hand. He was a smart boy and took the hint. I was stopped from my thoughts by a voice at my side.

"Venus, I... Uh... Wanted to see if you would dance with me." I furrowed my eyebrows but kept my eyes on the man that had my phone and then took it from him as he winked and walked back from the spot he was in.

"Max. What are you doing?" I saw his eyes and I felt bad. Alec was beautiful but he wasn't Max and the look in his eye was different. Alec liked my body but Max seemed to like more than that. I was wrong and he had proven me wrong.

"I want to dance with you." I glared at him and tried to give him a cold shoulder but I noticed the time and took his hand. Pulling him to the door and there the others stood. Waiting to go back. Most were more than a little tipsy but that didn't matter as only two of us would have to drive and only two of us were in the most sober.

"Let's go." I muttered and found my car. Max not in it as we left for home.

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