Finishing Up.

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Soon a hug was started again. Though his height was impressive as he stood and it seemed as if I sat still but that didn't matter too much as I was able to let the top of my head reach his chin. Just as long as I was stood up properly and he slouched a little. Until we separated and both of us held dreary eyes filled with upset. His mouth quirked up into a smile and a thumb met my chin whilst the index finger was below my chin.

"Don't be upset. I mean, we can face a busy day in one of the busiest hospitals in America. We can do this. Sharpe is also my doctor and she is the best that New Amsterdam has to offer." I nodded and wiped a tear but as I did so he got to it first. Forcing our eyes to meet and then he let the hand that was still hugging me pull my body up to his. My chest up against his and then he moved his head down to me. I only had to move a fraction and then our lips met for a while. Nothing else could have entered my mind for an age. Until I finally fell asleep.

The curtain wasn't pulled. My blanket had barely covered me and yet a heater laid beneath my body as I stretched out a little. Then a mental scream was filling my head as I tried to sneak from the bed into the bathroom. Brushing my forgotten teeth and also freaking out as I remembered the night before. Also the lack of consideration as I was not prepared to just sleep with someone. Two weeks and I would just have to take a test. Or my period could start and my life would be calmer.

As I left the bathroom, in a baggy top I didn't own, a soft sound of snoring relieved me. A chance to grab some clothes and scrubs as well as do my makeup and start breakfast. All of five minutes later I was out of my room and walking to the kitchen. Choosing something to make for food when the sight of fruit caught my eye and I began to cut it all up. Ready for a blender and two ready smoothies.

"Hey, uh, can I help?" His deep voice made me jump and try to hide the laugh that I felt stirring at the awkwardness of the night before and also how I had reacted to his presence. He pretended not to notice but he had to of. Only, I handed him one of the cups and walked to find my shoes for the day. Hoping to grab a minute to regroup and clear my mind up of the mess it had become.

The hall was occupied and then suddenly I became aware of the other body and I began to leave with a doctor hot on my tail as I walked out. Having laced up my shoes and after a second he had also walked out and my door was closed and locked. Leaving me to climb into the car and a silent Dr Goodwin was already in the passenger seat.

"So Venus, I hope you know that this Nutella isn't going to stop you from going to Frome today and for the next four weeks. He is expecting you and I am also expecting you to go." I rolled my eyes but also had a question that seemed pointless.

"Nutella?" He nodded and I laughed at his childlike way of dealing with it but also to lighten the mood as he spoke to me. Making sure that I knew what he had as expectations for me. Knowing full well that I wouldn't break a promise with him or anyone as my conscience wouldn't or couldn't handle it.

The conversation seemed to die as we got to the doors and then both of us had to go and tend to one thing or another until my pager went off. Frome had a way of capturing my attention and with that I was sure he meant to keep to our appointments.

"Sorry Bloom. I have to talk with Frome and won't be back for about an hour. But, when I do we can deal with the patient and reach a diagnosis between both of us." She understood and closed the book. Stopping any more thoughts from flowing as other people had to be seen to. Sometimes distance can make a whole concept a thousand times easier for a doctor or it had the ability to stop any ideas from forming. Not that it would matter as I would have to see Frome no matter what.

Walking to meet a man that expected some sort of a in-depth conversation was always a fear of mine and sure enough it came true for me as I walked up to the designated room. Knowing full well that he would be stood looking smug and up himself but also looking all caring and the sorts.

"Venus. Nice to see you." I nodded and sat on the chair that all of his patients did when they came to see him. Like I was an actual patient and not just a stubborn doctor who was set on quitting a place of work. Something that was going to have to happen after the night before.

Words drew me from thought though as he was so careful with them as well,
"Venus, I know that something has happened and you should talk about it. I don't know what has even happened but you know I can help." He was trying to help but for an hour we ran in circles until I called the time being spent and stood up.

"Iggy, I don't think you should take this personal. I'm just not the emotional type of person. You should be aware of that." I hugged him and walked from the room. Trying to not stop but Goodwin stood right at the door. A smug grin on his face that told me he was right.

"I told you it would help. Look at you walking like the world is a better place." Goodwin was cut off from his happiness there by Iggy.

"It would have helped if she spoke more than the same ten words." The steps carried themselves to me and I laughed at his sudden actions. Though he was expected to react in such a way and Iggy walked with us until he would need to leave for a patient or paperwork.

"I know you are ticklish and I am not afraid to do so. You know that." I didn't reply but walked on still as we got to my floor. Iggy leaving just after Goodwin had uttered the sentence.

"Don't. That isn't funny and neither are you. Now, I know for a fact that you have an appointment with Sharpe today and well, it starts in minus three whole minutes. Let's go." He tried to stop me but we had got to the door already and I shoved him in. Closing the door whilst uttering something about him getting his Nutella sorted. A sigh escaping and a loud laugh from Sharpe.

My day was quite the rollercoaster as I got back and without a second thought Bloom and myself had given a diagnosis that finally filled in all of the blank spaces and symptoms. Hours fell to a fraction of a second but it was over and just as I had left the room for Bloom to finish up which should have only taken a second, Goodwin and Sharpe appeared.

"You are like a verruca. Keep coming back no matter how many times I shed you." I sighed out and signed off paper to allow the flow of patients through grounds to keep up the bed space and help future patients receive the best help. Also to get them out of my hair.

"That is repulsive. Now, how did the date go last night?" I laughed quietly but as I spoke Goodwin had told her it was good.

"Goodwin, that wasn't a date. Was it?" He had a face of guilt as he looked between us and I had a feeling it was a date. I just had no clue because I was an idiot and there was no doubt about that as it was right there in front of me. That was when I cringed and tried to walk off. Bloom stopping me.

"Did you guys get some?" There was no sort of veil or curtain to separate Helen's thoughts from her head as she spoke what she wanted and that brought me the greatest joy as I laughed at it. Though I didn't have to lie or create a distraction as Lauren had the chance to speak up.

"No. That is too tarty for Venus." She had a mocking British accent and I was being insulted and also being baited by the three of them. A small part of me thought that Sharpe already knew but her question was too real.

"Leave me alone. Look, I have a couple of hours until I have to go home and then you can all stir what you like but I am going to work. Mock me all you want but all of you just wish you could have a piece of me. Haha." Barely a day could go by without someone at something they shouldn't be at.

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