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Fingers tapped and traced the wheel as thoughts of anxiety passed my head. The mirror showing my face as the cars behind sat in the same scenario, I was going to be early, only ten minutes early though. Thoughts of what the new medical director would be but most of all, I thought on how they would leave and we would be brought a new one to play with as they followed all of Fulton's advice on how to make money.

Only after half an hour of agonising waiting the parking was found and then I jumped up and ran in. Trying to be as early as possible. Fortunately though as I had entered, it appeared multiple people were off as the cardiac department talked of new work and in that instant I knew. The new MD was so bad they were forcing a whole team to look for work elsewhere as they couldn't wait to escape this person. One of the team stood out more though as he seemed to be the most disheartened.

"Hey, Reynolds, what happened?" He stopped for a brief second and despite my not so fortunate past he looked as if a genuine response was going to come from him then his face set and I saw the usual face of not wanting to talk to me.

"Do you honestly think I want to be talking to you right now?" I brought my lips in to show that no more words could escape and then I nodded once to tell him I had heard loud and clear. Only for my legs to move towards my usual space and pick up the wooden board.

"Where were you this morning?" Bloom approached me so pointedly that I gulped a little and then had the chance to respond.

"Traffic. I left early but not early enough." As I had said this a few pieces of paper were seen and then I read it all. Taking in the names and then looking for the beds that the names occupied. Not that it mattered much as all of mine were regulars or at least known well to the hospital.

"Hello Mr Tilney, could you turn around please?" His face dropped as he realised what I had to do but I was used to it and he would have surely known as such.
"If you would prefer I can get another doctor. A male one of it makes you more comfortable." His shake of the head was all I needed to proceed and so I was off and checking his back. Hands pushing down until he let off a noise to tell me where it was hurting and so I finished off the check.

"Is that all you needed?" I nodded with a smile whilst also filling in the paper before me. Hoping to just get on with my day and not have to explain my actions to Bloom. And I was successful as we both worked on our patients separately until the red phone rang. A call we never liked taking but knew we had to.

Bodies rushed around me as I stood back and let the team all work. My eyes training onto the body count until one too many eantered but as I felt the nerves trickle through me a man walked in with a speed quite apt for the situation only he was quick to spot me and a look was sent of curiosity as well as a little disappointment. He had been expecting me to act but I was just watching on.

Noises rang out and distant sounds of 'clear' could be faintly heard. Against all odds every bleep turned to a positive one and I sighed out. Letting my guard fall until I was able to carry out my work once again only to have my shoulder grabbed and I was turned so that I could see the retreating figure as they entered the break room.

I followed slowly realising that eyes stuck to me as they looked on, the patients and a few nurses spoke of the new MD. Who I was quickly learning to be the tall, dark and handsome man that just brought me into a room. Fury rolling off of him.

"What was that? I had to jump onto a scene because you wouldn't. You weren't frozen and you have to be fully trained and yet you stood looking like a bird caught in a cage. Why on earth should any of our patients believe in you if you can't even do the small and simple things? Chest compressions and then you evaluate it from there. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Do you know what? I don't even care just don't let it happen again." As he said this my arms fixed into a crossed shape and my eyes moved down to shield my disappointment. Something he was sure of spotting but nothing more was said as he left and I could breathe again. Only for Iggy to enter.

"At it again?" His voice was crisp and distant as I left to head for a breath of fresh air. The floor had left me feeling breathless and like nothing I did could satisfy my need for oxygen. The break was cut short as I heard Bloom say my name and I returned to the daily grind. Only stopping my doctor's duties when lunch began.

Nothing was said as I headed to the office and made cups of coffee and tea for all of those on the floor as they worked. Some not picking them up until a long time had passed.
Lunch was spent as poorly as expected and quickly I assisted patients as they faced walking whilst in severe pain. Just another day at New Amsterdam for me as I made mistakes and tried to shrug them off.

"For a Brit you don't drink much tea." Matthew spoke as I finally stopped and began to type up all of the odd notes from my busy day with various people. All difficult to deal with as they returned nearly daily or more.

"I don't like the taste of tea. I like to survive off of the tears of patients that have to eat hospital food." His snort made me smile and type a little slower than I had been. Not that he could have noticed as he was busy checking a nurse out.

"Back into your bed Matthew. Night night." I spoke as I typed onto the computer and faced it. Trying to tell him that I was busy but I knew him well enough to know he would end up harassing me even more until I walked him back.

"I just wanted to see you. Get some air." My eyes had to leave the screen and then I looked up at the desk that he leant over above me. Eyes glancing around at what there was to see.

"I take you out for a walk daily and that isn't due for another two hours. Now, go on and I will see you in a while." When I didn't see movement I looked up and saw his eyes trained on me as he looked busy for a long while. Thinking about goodness knows what for goodness knows how long. With a heavy sigh I stood and let him take my arm as he rested up against me a little.

"How are doctors so patient and loving whilst facing all the adversity and pressure with little pay for all their services?" As Matt was laying down in his own bed I sighed and decided to sit at the end of his bed to talk a little.

"Honestly, I think you know. No doctor is as they are at first thought to be. All of us fit into two categories and one is better than the other. Unfortunately, they are not pre chosen just filled. When I say that I mean we don't have to meet one of the two categories but we are all in one of them." His eyes pierced through me as a smile graced his lips. Listening and waiting for me to finish my speech.

"And?" He hurried me up and looked around me as well. Not saying or doing much aside from listen and watch all of the surroundings. That wasn't too fun as his door had been closed behind us.

"One is a rich fitting. I mean, parents that had lots of money and they expected a lot of us. And then there is the second one. When you watch someone you really love in pain you want to stop it. Sometimes a small 15 year old girl barely able to say something of importance isn't able to help and so she does it when she is older. A time that she can help. Now, you have an hour and a half until we go for a walk so be good and don't harass any more of the nurses." I brought the blanket over him and let it fall. Food sat beside him as this happened and so I pushed it to his bed for him to eat.

"And which one do you fit into?" A smile and a nose scrunch later I flattened his hair a little as I stroked it and I then turned, ready to leave. Only, the MD was at the door. My cheeks flushing with a scarlet red and my eyes practically bulged.

"Sorry I will be off." Walking around him a soft and quiet response came from Matt that was definitely a rude word. That didn't matter though as I was off to do my work and fill in sheets. Only for a voice to call me from the door.

"What's your name?" The hall was quiet and when I turned he was clearly pointing the question to me and so I smiled at him whilst running out of my mind until my name was found.

"Venus. Yours?" He laughed as well. A flash of guilt washed over him and he looked down for a second before he seemed to find his name as well.

"Max Goodwin. Dare I ask if you are type one or two?" I shrugged and turned back around whilst also walking. Getting away from potential anger or any of his criticisms.

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