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My nails anxiously tapped on the fake wood below my hand. Eyes stuck to my nails though they were not my own. Their eyes gleamed and a smile stuck to their face as they waited to see if I would speak first but I wouldn't. They knew that but sometimes people need to be given a chance and sometimes they even surprise you. I wasn't one of those people though.

"You know, this is your last session and you only have a week of work left. Anything you say can't be held against you because you will be gone." I nodded and he was speaking the truth only, I couldn't handle what he was saying. The reality of my leaving was a little truer and my applications to work elsewhere hit the public eye. England, Spain and most places in America were applied to. Interviews would have to happen but most told me it could be done over video so I didn't have to fly all over the world and pay hundreds for a job I may not even get.

"I haven't got anything else to say. You know now, I haven't ever dealt with addictions, chocolate after a serious break up but aside from that we are good. No health issues. I'm coping and you know I am. Why are you still pushing for something?" He looked at me dead in the eyes and I realised that he really did have something to be concerned about.

"What about the distancing and the isolating? Your work isn't suffering but you barely talk to us and the team are all concerned for you." I nod but he wasn't stupid. He knew that I was just making my leave to be easier.

"Don't play stupid. Look, I didn't have a remotely bad childhood. Parents together and only had fights on occasion. No family, mum was told she was infertile at ten so I was a miracle, not to mention they weren't even trying. I have come to peace with working in hospitals and those around me are lovely but I need to do this. Get out and live differently." His eyes had hardened and he looked closer at me.

"What would have to happen to make you stay?" I shrugged my shoulders and thought about what he said and realised that I was only leaving to be who I always was. A stubborn girl.

"I want to have an open and frank conversation with Dr Goodwin. Look, it isn't right for you to be trying to keep me here. I mean, I shouldn't put you in this position and I feel awful for it." He nodded and put his book down. Leg crossed over the other before he nodded and entangled his fingers together. Looking deeply into my eyes again.

"I will stop. Those around you can be stopped. Just talk to him and see where you stand. I think that you need to stop letting your spontaneous actions change your life. Go on, you got this. Make your parents even prouder and speak to Max." I nodded and then walked from the room. Goodwin being stood there still like when I had walked in and my hand grabbed his as I walked to his office. Nothing more being said but I walked slow enough for him to handle.

When the door closed my hand dropped his and we looked at one another. Nothing else being said for a long second before I spoke to him.
"Dr Goodwin. You have been a very good boss and I won't lie to you. It was fun and even with that one hiccup almost a month ago we have stayed as good friends. I, I don't want to leave but now I feel like it is out of principal that I must leave. We had fun but I also know that fun is a short word because life is only fun for a short time. Just, be honest with me and tell me everything you want to tell me." I had said it and his eyes glanced over me before finally he let a hand meet my shoulder before it ran down my arm and he pulled it back.

"Venus, you are stubborn and that is something I do admire about you but don't leave because you had to challenge me. Stay and if you want us to be together we can. You don't even have to say. Sometimes I am the type of person to go for something because it was there and the other person was free." He had just admitted to having done what we had done before and I felt 'so special' but I left it and nodded. Nothing else could be said as I was going to stay. Keep at his side and able to help him through what he was about to face. A year or more of hell.

"Really know how to make a girl seem special. Now, can we..." He didn't seem to be excited or happy by my words as he interrupted me as I spoke still. One of my pet peeves.

"I wasn't aware of the fact that I had to make you feel special all the time. Surely you can go elsewhere for that. You are hardly conservative. Look, I made a big mistake in what happened that night and both of us know that it shouldn't have happened nor will it ever happen again. I shan't fall in bed with another call girl." I was shocked. Silence filling the room for a second and no sign of regret was seen on his face nor in his voice as he said it.

"Did you just call me a slu... Very well, we should go. Patients that aren't going to diagnose themselves. Well they try but shouldn't." We left and both walked in opposite directions as I had to get back to the floor and try not to say anything to those around me. Despite how tough it was those around me didn't need to know what had just passed in that room.

The floor wasn't particularly manic and so I found that a little time could be taken for the words that he had uttered. He wasn't normally like that and so for those words to leave his mouth hit hard and I could barely understand why he had gone there. I wasn't too insulting, I didn't think I was too insulting to him so obviously something was up but that didn't matter as I would only lose it if another conversation would have to stir with him.

"Oh, Waters. Excellent I was hoping to see you. I saw that you just finished speaking to Max and thought about perhaps the seven or so of us could go out and have something to drink and some food together. No alcohol if you don't want it and I am also driving so none for me." I wasn't in the state of mind to think about cooking so I blindly agreed to what had been offered. A smile gracing my lips for a second as I slowly brought my eyes up to meet Sharpe. The trademark smile branched all over her face as I did so and we both met eyes for a second and that was when she saw my face. My eyes were just about not stinging from the trail of tears that felt ready to fall at any second.

"What happened?" I just shook my head and let the pen carry across the paper as I finalised another one of the patient's releases. Medication also needing to be administered and prescribed to them. Just part of the everyday that became the works as hours began to tick on.

By the time my shift was ending my eyes were more awake and the paperwork was filled in properly. Not one box escaping my notice or one fact slipping my mind as the words flowed until I heard the desk above me sound. A coat was laying on it and Sharpe left the coat on there. Frome not far off of Vijay and Bloom.
"Are you ready? Reynolds has just finished stitching and..." She was cut off by Frome speaking to me. He had no clue that she and been talking so clearly his mind had been busy. I had heard the mutter of a few expletives and knew that something had happened with his parents so I was going to let him talk to me if needed.

"Are you staying now?" I sigh and scratch my forehead before looking up with a huff and then my eyes moved to the side as I thought.

"I told Dr Goodwin that I would but he doesn't seem to be my biggest fan right now so he may want me gone to be honest. His final words to me weren't the nicest and his face wasn't the happiest. I mean, I do know he has his trials but nothing is deserving of the absolute slaughter he verbally handed me." They had no clue what was going on and I was kind of glad that they didn't but I also wanted them to know just to see their point of views.
"I'm probably just being overdramatic again. I can see Reynolds. Shall we get going? I'll change in the car once we get there." They agreed with me and we began to walk off. The documents being saved as the computer was being logged out of.

"Just follow me and we can meet there. It's all right if some go in your car right?" I nod at Sharpe and see three join me and so I headed off. Not sure of where we were going but the other car seemed to be very sure as all movement helped in the long run to get to the location. The car's engine didn't seem to start for a long while though and I felt confused as I looked in the mirror for a split second every few minutes until a door seemed to open and then we headed off.

The place was very nice, an old club on the outside but as the door opened it became clear that the walls and decorations inside were more modern and glass was seen, lots of it. I didn't realise it was a club but I watched it as I paid for parking after changing in the car. It was quick as the scrubs had to come off and new shoes slipped on instead of the tattered ones that I was wearing all day at work to allow for comfort as I moved around the hospital floors.

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