Calls and Catch-ups.

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"He died." Finally Iggy seemed to get what he had been working towards and his persistence was to be greatly admired. Though I already knew that.

"Who died?"

"A patient. He first came here when I started. Then off and on he was here. Eventually I was all he had and at the time, none of you liked me so he was all I had. I lost my only friend." A tear was shed and my heart beat so loudly that I was sure it could have been visible to him. Even through the scrubs.

"How did that make you feel?" He knew the words to say and I felt obliged to tell him.

"Like I shouldn't be a doctor. Like all of my training is waisted because I couldn't save him. I felt stupid for not knowing what else to do, he trusted me and I let him down. I couldn't even keep my promise with him." Iggy watched on unsure of where else to go but he seemed to find a new path with each new word I spoke. His face clearing more.

"Did you promise that he would be okay? That he would survive?"

"No, I promised that I would take him for an evening walk everyday at a time decided when I went and I saw him in the morning. I was late to meet him and if I had just left earlier he would still be alive. And I wouldn't have to tell his parents that he passed or his siblings. Because it doesn't matter how much time is lost between family you miss them until the day you die." My face was like a waterfall and until I could regain composure I would have to listen to all of the words of Goodwin as he pestered. My hour was up.

Next session.

"What is your relationship like with your parents? I have never heard you mention them." Iggy was far too observant and that was something I could actually admire. Not that I would ever admit it to another soul.

"I haven't spoken to them since I was starting at my university." He nodded and seemed to realise that an issue was stirred.

"Why? Did they have other plans for you?" I shook my head and wiped my tears with the back of my hand as he gave me a tissue. Letting me wipe the bad job of makeup off of my cheeks.

"They were, proud. Proud of me and after I left to go and study I found out mum had cancer. Dad was a match and the doctors were going to allow part of his lung to be used as a transplant. When they did a check on him though it came back that he had some cancer in his heart. I lost them both less than a year later." My red cheeks were a dead give away to the fact of me crying but still the hour had ended and off I went. And as usual Goodwin met me.

"What's wrong? You were upset last time." I smiled and shook my head. Well aware of the fact that Iggy couldn't tell him anything so I kept it to myself until Goodwin took my arm and led me to his office. Locking it to show that we would not be interrupted but the keys stayed in the door to show I could leave.

"Goodwin, you have your own concerns and I am not one of them. Don't spend time with an Elizabeth Harley when you can spend time with a Meryl Streep." He looked down and shook his head as if I was telling him that it wasn't him but me. In a way I may have been.

"You really are leaving? Surely, I mean I like you and that isn't a secret even if we are. Not just that but we work well together." My lips rubbed together as my eyes closed tightly for a second before responding to his admission.

"Max, I know that you have wanted to tell people about us but I am a private person and typically this isn't a thing to shout from the rooftop. I mean, come on I do love it here but I can't do it anymore. Just look all around you, people are moving on. For me that just means moving to a new hospital. England even where I can be under less stress and I don't have to do it all again." Goodwin really couldn't believe me as I spoke to him.

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