First Service

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He just wanted to finish and leave, but somehow he wanted to stay longer.

He just wanted to forget about that moment, but somehow he wanted to relive it.

He just wanted to be emotionless, but somehow he fell in love.

He just wanted someone to make him feel special-loved if possible, but he just receive a box of a broken heart.

He just needed to be alone.

If possible he wanted to get away from everything.

Especially being his lover's Phantom Butler.










Blue hair and matching blue eyes.

A young man around his twenties looked out outside of his window as he stared blankly at the scenes changing every second or so. Probing his left elbow on the windowsill and resting his temple on the palm of his hand. He wondered what his life will be when he reached his destination.

It's not a everyday feel when your father suddenly barged into your house in the middle of the night and ordered you-more like begging you to him at least to worked for someone who helped your mother when she was in that particular situation.

When the wheels of the taxi cab slowed down and eventually stopped near the silver metal gates of a very large mansion. The driver moved his upper body to face the young man and groggily said that this was the address that the young man showed him.

He thanked the old man with a nod before opening the door and to be greeted by a cold slap of autumn's air. He stepped down the taxi cab upon seeing the mansion behind the silver gates that probably goes miles endless in a little child's perspective.

The night after his father barged into his house-and what an apology he made that exceed more than needed to, he still wonder why in all conversations they created together, his father asked him to become a butler instead a kindergarten teacher which was his dream job and was almost soon-to-be teacher since he was attending as a substitute teacher in a local kindergarten school just not too far from his own home. Frowning faintly that his dream job will have to wait, he closed the door of the cab and walked a few steps forward before facing a small machine attached near the gates.

He pressed a certain key, then another and another until a loud beep echoed shortly after and the gates automatically opened before him. Stuffing the small strip of paper that his father gave him, he adjusted his messenger bag and went in before the gates closed with a loud screech just like a while ago.

The space before the Mansion was fairly big with a white fountain in the middle of it all; an angel kneeling at the top with water spurting at the tips of it's wings and around it was flowing endlessly while the leaves floated effortlessly at the large pond below the angel. There's a small shed at the far right with flowerbeds partially surrounding it.

As he walked further, in his peripheral vision parked at the left side of the entrance door was a black Limousine and more flowerbeds surrounded the mansion's feet from left to right except for the pebbled walkway that led to the entrance door. His steps were light and heard barely as the sound of pebbles colliding with each other were barely audible.

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