First Commandment

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2015 Version

He's dead

It was the only thing on the foreign woman's mind as she walked through the narrow hallways of the mansion. Taking a deep breath she shook her head and chuckled to herself.

'I haven't even scold him yet now I'm thinking of killing him'

She stopped her tracks before taking another deep breath. Closing and opening her eyes for a brief second she knock on the wooden door.

A faint 'come on' was heard before the door creaked open revealing the woman who was proclaim to be his fiancee. She gave a flat look before asking, "May I help you with something?"

The blonde woman nodded before pushing the door open without the permission of the younger woman but the black haired ignored it and just let her do it anyway since it was evident that Alex will do it if she said 'you can't come in'.

"Don't just stand there, come here" The blonde said as she gestured the younger woman to come near her bed which haven't been touched since she got here. Araki sighed but nevertheless followed the older woman's command.

"So how's your staying here Masako?" She said in english since she awfully missed her birth language. The black haired looked at her before replying, "I never intended to come here anyway"


Araki rubbed her forehead where the american woman just painfully flicked. She glared at the woman as she continued to rub it since it gave a slight mark; well thanks to Alex's sharp and pointy nails.

"Different answer, Different question Masako" Alex said playfully as she gave a pleasant grin. The said woman groaned lightly when a slight throb invaded her head.

"Awfully pleasant Alexandra" She sarcastically answered as well as spatted her name in distaste. That sentence just made the blonde laughed humorless before clearing her throat.

"That's all right; you'll get used to it-" Her smile appeared once more "Eventually" She laughed when Araki glared at her again. "Let's get down to business since I had fun talking to you" She said in a tone that was used for businessmen.

She laced her fingers together and planted them on her right knee after crossing her legs together. Her smile faked and forced before she dropped it suddenly.

"Did Chihiro ordered you to come here?"




"Of who?"

"Seijurou of course, since he have what Mayuzumi doesn't" Araki prolonged before crossing her arms together in a loose way. Alex nodded in understanding before making a thoughtful look.

"Do you know why he sent you?" She asked suddenly after a few moments of silence. Araki made a thoughtful look as well; trying to remember why she was sent here.

"He said 'To make someone jealous' but I hardly believe me coming here will make Seijurou jealous" She answered with an annoyed tone. "That jealously won't be coming from Seijurou but . . . " She trailed off not sure if she would gave him away.

"but what? Is there someone jealous of me coming here?" The younger woman asked as she uncrossed her arms and placed them on her knees since she was seating on a chair and Alex was seatinb on her bed. "Kuroko was jealous because of yo-"

Things to clear out:

~ Akashi Kaito as Akashi Masaomi

~ The whole series will be edited and revised when there's time allotted for it. So for now, apologies in advance if everything sucks at the moment.

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