Sixteenth Service

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He slowly opened his mismatched eyes, his eyes readjusting at the Sunday morning's bright light. He groaned lightly as he placed a hand over his eyes but stopped mid movement when he felt the slow movement of the person next to him.

He turned his attention to the blue-haired who was snuggling against his side, his left arm over the redhead's torso and the other bended on his chest. His lips parted as he breathed gently, his eyes closed and the scent of vanilla consumed the redhead's senses.

His lips curled into a satisfying smile. Waking up to the mornings was always so enjoyable when he had his lover at his side to look forward to the day.

He caressed his lover's pale cheek, the skin so soft and gentle to touch he couldn't get enough of from it. He chuckled lightly to himself.

The blue-haired slowly awoke from the vibrations of his lover's laughter. He peeked on eye open and fluttered both of his eyes as he too, readjusted to the room's light.

He innocently looked at his lover who was looking at the wall in deep thought. He didn't want to disturb so he quietly went back to sleep.

"Tetsuya, Wake up." The soothing voice of the lover sounded against his eardrums. He secretly smiled as he admired the slightly deep voice as he rolled away from him.

He didn't want to wake up.

It hasn't been a minute.

He heard his lover sighed, as he felt movement soon after. "If you don't wake up in the count of 3..." He trailed off as he began to count the numbers very slowly, giving the older man time to rethink his actions.

But when he looked to his unmoving servant he shook his head. He has to do it the hard way then, he thought amusingly.


The beautiful warmth he always loved was now gone and he immediately fluttered his pale blue eyes wide. He slowly sat up, looking at his surrounding as to where did he went.

It wasn't magic that he suddenly disappeared.

He looked around once more, the spacious room was big and he still couldn't see him. His eyes glinted in annoyance as he scratched his untamed bed hair, then a yawn crawled out from his mouth as he stretched his slightly sore muscles.

Last night was a bit too rough.

He heard a growl as he whipped his head around to see the redhead leaning against the built-in bathroom door, his exposed wet arms over his more exposed half-naked body.

Kuroko gulped down the small pool of saliva he had inside his mouth. He eyes roamed over his lover's wet body, but unfortunately it only lasted until the redhead said.

"Eyes up here, love."

Oh he was so screwed.

It wasn't the first time he had saw his lover naked and wet.

Believe him; he has seen every inch of his lover's body that he couldn't get enough of it.

He hid under the covers quickly, grabbing the nearest pillow next to him as he clutched it tightly, his pale cheeks now flushed by the sight and the mental images that had bestowed upon him. He slightly yelped when the covers were removed from his body and turned his head to see a semi-decent Akashi.

He was still shirtless.


"You just woke up, don't go back to sleep." He said gently but his words were highly lace of seduction. The blue-haired went back under the covers, clutching his pillow and was very thankful that the blush on his pale cheeks was no longer present.

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