Seventh Service

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The large doors slammed open, revealing the redhead around his late forties. He grinned knowingly as he made prideful strides towards his son who was currently writing his assignment on his black cattleya binder.

The younger redhead knew his father was just standing at a close range but never bothered acknowledge him because it was a waste of time if he did so. The older Akashi was growing impatient when he didn't receive any gestures of greeting or whatsoever.

He simply cough loudly and very much rudely to get his attention which he successfully did. The younger redhead looked up from his desk and gave a blank stare at his father who just smirked at him cheekily.


Then went back to his work without another spare glance at his gapping father. His father knew it would be like this but he expected much more than a simply 'no' from his deadpanned son.

"No? Sei-kun..." The tone was slightly familiar. The younger Akashi paused as he waited what his father might say, still not looking up from his work.

That tone was the strict tone that he had to bare since he was a child. His father wasn't always a kind and out-going man; before the younger Akashi turned eighteen the older Akashi was very strict and hostile on his son's education and almost everything he did.

But when he turned the age of maturity as Mibuchi would say, his father stopped instantly. Being a whole different person, a more gentle person.

The older Akashi never admitted he was at fault when he pushed his son to become what he wanted to be. He never allowed anyone to know what was his reason that he became so different that led people thinking that his strict and cold personality was just a facade of the man he was now.

His son didn't question the sudden change and let him be and after four years, he only showed his stern and strict side if it really meant that it was his only last option. "You never had time for me and the others, it's just one dinner. Come on everyone is waiting for us specifically you." Snapping back from his past memories, the younger Akashi started writing on his binder again that made his father sighed in slight defeat.

"I'll eat at another time." He said firmly, not making eye contact with the older Akashi. The older redhead was about to give up when he suddenly thought of something that could make him accept the invitation.

"When I meant everyone I really meant everyone." His father said with hands on his hips and a faint smile on his slightly tan and slightly wrinkled face but it was completely wiped off when his son looked at him with a look that he never should have showed. "No." He said more firmer than he had first said a while ago.

"Do you want Kuroko to wait for you? He will be very disappointed if I told him you're not coming." This was child's play.'The younger Akashi thought to himself when he stared at his father's sudden sentence. He knew that his father was using the blue-haired as a reason to come.

"Order Tetsuya to bring my dinner then."

That ungrateful boy should at least say please to his father for the love of of anything holy who did he think he was?!' The older redhead thought with anger slowly seeping through the surface as he tightened his grip on his silver fork and knife. He was now eating his dinner with his loyal servants inside the dinner room.

The dinner room was covered by tall beige vintage style walls under a wide brown marbled floor that was appeared spotless with a white large abstract ceiling lamp at the middle of the room just above the long and wide rectangular tinted glass dinner table ; two black leathered cushioned chairs at the start and end, and nine identical chairs on both sides. It was very spacious like the rest of the main rooms in the mansion but it was one of the seldom used ones also.

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