Third Service

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What just actually happened?

Kuroko thought blankly as he blinked a few times to process what just really happened inside the bedroom. Touching his cheeks, he felt the warm blood that was rushed up to his pale skin, a small frown curving on his pale lips.

Truthfully he never felt liked this before, it was sort of strange in a way. The only time he remembered having this feeling was back in one of his high school days and that was it, he never recalled any memories that he found himself blushing in embarrassment.

He tilted his head to the right and lean his back on the wall. Thankfully he wasn't near the bedroom of the younger Akashi, a little few doors down to be exact distance he currently was.

With an annoyed glint in his eyes, he somehow can't make the blush go away. It was starting to be a burden as he concentrated enough to make it go away.

After a few minutes just standing there, his eyes staring at the silver cart with little interest he sighed softly. I'll just leave it be, He thought with slight defeat before pushing himself off the dark vintage style covered wall and went to grabbed the cart's handles.

He was about to push the cart forward when he felt a pair of slightly large hands and slender muscular arms covered in black clothing at the sides of his hips. He looked down slightly and saw the hands were holding the inner part of the handle while he was holding the outer part.

Strange...He thought plainly as he felt himself colliding with a strong chest that made him walked forward with the unknown worker. Kuroko struggled a bit to break free but the grip of the man was unsurprisingly strong.

He groaned internally when a sudden thought came to him. It wasn't pleasant and made his self-esteem dropped a few degrees lower when the thought was expanded in his mind.

Then another thought came to mind. Can he not see him? That made him grunt lowly, what was he thinking about that certain thought.

Normally people wouldn't notice a man like him at their presence but this was way outside what he thought in mind. Only an oblivious and ignorant person wouldn't notice him for far too long then again maybe the stranger was? or was he one of those types of people who like to take people with them without the people's consent.

Why didn't he thought of this sooner, The blue-haired thought dumbly after he removed his hands from the cart's handle and turned around, placing his small hands on the large hard chest. That made the body stopped to a complete holt and heard the rumbling sounds of the cart moving all on it's own.

He looked up to saw a handsome face-He would've mistaken him for a model for second there. His hair and eyes were a bright shade of yellow, almost like the sun itself and the blunet narrowed his eyes to see what looks like eye liner or mascara on the blonde's eyelids.

The blonde was at least a few inches shorter than the tan blunet and couple inches taller than the pale one. He was built like most of the men in this mansion were with a strong body and tall frame towering the new butler.

Kuroko was about to say something but was cut off by the sudden unmanly shriek of the blonde. The look on the fair man's face was priceless, his eyes lit up in utter terror and surprise and his plump lips formed a large 'o' as he shrieked like someone was killed before them with his hands on the sides of his face as he did.

That awfully reminded the blue-haired when he encountered the pink-haired a while ago.

The same expression and reaction.

But the blonde was a bit too much on his exaggeration. The blue-haired could've mistaken him again as the pinknette's twin just by that.

The blonde jumped back as he stopped his loud shrieking and the blue-haired had a confused glint in his eyes of why nobody came out or appear since the blonde's shriek was bouncing from one wall to another. Then he realized it was probably six in the morning so of course common sense, they were probably heavy sleepers or the shriek wasn't loud enough to get the other people's attention inside the mansion.

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