Second Service

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Stirring in his bed with a soft moan, he nuzzled his pillow that was under his head and hugging it like a child. He thought that the bed was going to be stiff and hard as stone but turned out it was like he was on a cloud; extremely soft to his liking and comfortable like his old bed back home.

One of the few things he like about the room 3 besides the two muscular butlers who were both snoring noisily. That made Kuroko chuckled shortly, he imagined them as whales wailing to each other as he heard the loud snores echoing in the room.

That also reminds him about last night.

The said two butlers were forced to eat the food that was given to them and was provided by their infamous maids; the pinknette and brunette. The other raven haired, Takao told the blunet that it was punishment for attempting to kill each other's head off.

Such a shame that he didn't come to the dinner last night. He just wanted alone time and the butlers who knew him yesterday understood, taking it step by step to adjust his new lifestyle.

It won't be long though.

That was what his father said when he came by to his house a few nights before. He didn't mention how many months but as long as the debt was sinking to zero, he'll be back home and become a permanent teacher in no time.

Kuroko sighed as he peeked one eye opened and covered it with his right hand quickly, no wonder why he's the only one near the window. So much for waking up to the sunrise, He thought bitterly with blank eyes as he rolled a little so he was on his back.

He outreached all of his hands and legs to the sky, apparently the ceiling. He gave a cat-like yawn before he fell his arms and legs to his sides and were spread like the man he saw on his history class before.

He swept his legs to the side of his bed, opposite of the large window and stood up to his full height. With a scratch from his bottom and another yawn he made his way barefooted, to the bathroom to brush his teeth as he carefully avoided the fallen hands and legs of his two roommates.

He was lucky that the bed fit him perfectly unlike the two overgrown men he was assigned with.

After his morning routine and a quick change of clothes since he was a bit lazy to change into his bed room attire last night. He wore similar clothing but in a different store he bought.

He remembered that Mibuchi borrowed his novel last night a little after diner was done. It was a novel that someone special to him given him on his birthday.

His aging grandmother.

He blankly looked up and attempted to combed his messy hair but it was no used. His hair was the mini lion that would protest for dominance and won't back out from a simple brush of a white comb.

He sighed lightly when he attempted to try it for the fifth time. Ignoring his messy bed hair, he walked towards the door was about to grabbed the doorknob when the said door swung open in a half-heartedly push.

Kuroko was silent and not surprised by the sudden opening since it happened many times before to count. It was like those horror movies when the door suddenly opens and no one was there at the other side.

In this case, a soft and slightly high-pitched voice spoke making Kuroko tilt his head to see more closely but made no move to step back for the stranger. "Dai-chan? Kagami-kun? Are you awake now?" The soft voice said again this time calling the two roommates of the pale blunet.

He looked at the clock at the top of the door to see it was quarter to five. His pale blue eyes held a small interest of curiosity, Does she expect them to wake up at this time? He thought to himself before he step back when the door opened more so.

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