Eighth Service

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Kise growled in a playful manner before narrowing his amber orbs on those sky blue ones, looking for something anything  that could hint him something crossing his muscular arms as he leaned further to Kuroko's height. The blue-haired wanted to sigh but refrained from doing so.

He won't hurt him He thought to himself, He's Kise-kun, he's a major softy for a reason. He thought again when the said man's eyes widen for a second making Kuroko raised his eyebrow at him blankly.

"Kurokocchi! TELL! TELL! TELL! TELL! SSU~!" The blonde shouted suddenly while grabbing the pale man's shoulders and began rocking him back and forth still chanting as he did. A heavy sigh escaped his pale lips as he moved his head to the side and looked out at the window.

It's been a month and few days he's been here. He was used to it at the first week and the rest felt like he's been here for years.

His co-workers were alright, noisy and rude as they came to be but they also have a gentle and caring side. He felt at home whenever the feelings come.

He didn't mind them because that's what they are. People don't change in a matter of a short time so why bother forcing them into something they're not?

Another sigh left his thin lips but this time it was more softer and inaudible. The scenery of the garden was beautiful, with it's luscious green leaves and beautiful and captivating flowers making the garden feel alive and at home.

At home

He's been describing that for a while now. It's not like he was home sick or anything, he couldn't put his finger on why not? His father has been calling him every other evening or sometimes his beloved grandmother who loved to talk about the little things, ones that people doesn't seem to notice or care.

At least he hears something positive whenever they talked. It was alright, but the feeling that's been swimming on his mind was taking it's time floating whenever he thought about it.

"KUROKOCCHI COME ON! MY HANDS ARE GETTING TIRED JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU TWO LITTLE BUNNIES DID!" Bunnies? Kuroko thought, unintentionally breaking his train of thoughts. He turned his head to faced the man who has been shaking him for an hour now, Kise-kun got stamina for doing this long.

And not the malicious kind.

"I would but I couldn't." He said with an annoyed and bored glint consuming his pale blue eyes. "Ki-chan! Stop rocking Tetsu-kun back and forth! He's going to faint!" Momoi screamed when she walked in on them.

The blonde let go after the pink-haired finished scolding. Kuroko stumbled back and held his balance as he hit a nearby wall.

The pink-haired was partially right about him fainting but the blue-haired was already old enough to stay conscious. Back in his middle and high school days he would sleep longer than usual after his basketball practice or any active activity that would sometimes led him fainting for about half an hour or longer.

Kise gave a very cheeky and apologetic smile while mumbling an apology to the blue-haired who just nodded his head with a blank look, that seem to make the blonde nervous for a moment. He may be shorter and not muscular but he can really pack a gut-wrenching punch.

And that was based on his experience.

He should never spill Kuroko's homemade vanilla milkshake.

"I'm just more curious than Mibuchicchi." That made Momoi rolled her peachy eyes at him while crossing her arms over her chest. "That doesn't gave you any right to rock him." She said with an angry look.

"But-" Kise was about to protest when Aomine suddenly popped his head on the living room's door, "Did he spill?" . Kise shook his head in no over the pinknette's shoulders.

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