Sixth Service

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"Can anyone explain why-"

Tuning the professor out of his repeated question of last week. The redhead already knew the answer of that simple question but never bothered raising his hand to answer because he knew the professor won't call him out. 

He already has a perfect grade so why bother?

He was a bit thankful enough that he only had four subjects for today. Not knowing what he had done, he made a small sketch of the blue-haired in his Cattleya binder.

Pausing with a blue ballpen at his right hand, It was Kuroko smiling up at him; his pale blue eyes shining with life and joy and his pale thin lips curving to a lovely smile. Grabbing a red and black gel pen from his slacks he enhanced the small drawing.

When he was done, he couldn't help but gave a soft small smile to the drawing he just made. The blunet has been in his mind for quite some time now, it never bounce off but stayed.

The drawing was proof enough that Kuroko was the only thing that he could think of and he didn't mind the little distraction. It was a nice distraction.

It made him relaxed.

Something that he didn't find the time to do so.

When the high-pitched shrieking of the school bell rang yet again for today. The professor said his goodbyes and the next day's assignment which made almost everyone groaned in distaste of working for another handout given.

Even though they're not in high school anymore they still receive assignments.

After the small reminder, half of the students in different levels inside the room scurried to meet up with friends or went straight home to do whatever they wanted to do. Akashi was one of the few people who had patience enough as they waited for the rowdy crowd to disappear into small harmless groups.

When it was clear to exit the room, the redhead walked out with confidence and his cold demeaning aura that seem to make everyone back away from him no matter what. It wasn't the first time, it all started when Akashi started schooling about four years ago or so.

Some had the courage to go up to him and talked with him, mostly about the lessons and advice for them to get better. It was short and curt conversation but nevertheless it helped the few people who pulled him into a short talk.

When words were exchange and a grateful nod was given. Akashi went to the floor above his last classroom to the music room where his butler was. It was abandoned since nobody wanted to be here when school was over.

Some say someone died at this very floor.

No proof was shown but the rumor still haunted the students of the Rakuzan University. Years ago, a small group of girls found a bucket of organs soaked in blood at the laboratory near the music room.

When they came back with a teacher they only found one of their friends on the floor with a piece of paper and the bucket full of organs was gone. The girl who was left to stay, only told that the eyes inside the bucket slowly looked up to her and followed her every movement.

Making the girl faint and she has no absolute idea why she was holding a piece of paper and who gave it to her. When they showed the paper to the teacher, he also fainted from what was written.

'Thank you for taking care of my Beloved.'

It was a printed photograph of a young girl in a white dress, her black hair long and past down to the edge of the photo. The reason the teacher fainted was her hair covering her right eye and the left was exposed, a very red blood-shot eye and her pale lips were creepily curved up to a sinister grin.

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