Seventeenth Service

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What was taking him so long?

The young redhead glanced at the door every few minutes wondering where on earth had his servant had gone off to, although he did say it wouldn't delay much but still. The overgrown possessiveness that he has for his lover over the past few months made him someone that surely others wouldn't possibly believe their eyes.

He bit on his small portion of food but not before taking another glance at the entrance door. The small power of worry seeping out from his body; he had enough.

"Where's Tetsuya," He finally spoke, a frown formed on his lips as he stared at the people on the rather long dining table. Finally, someone spoke up.

"He'd helped me with the laundry a few minutes ago and was about to head here but then the main door rang and he excused himself to get it..." Aida trailed off with an equal frown of her own, what was taking him so long?

"Supposed we have a guest," He didn't voice out a question as he stood from his seat, leaving the remaining people in the room to look at his retreating figure. "Now, where are you heading off to?" His father asked while staring at his son's back.

He didn't turn to face him as he clutched the silver handle with a little bit of pressure. "I'm looking for Tetsuya, of course." He said with a hint of sarcasm as he fully left the room, a soft click echoing lightly as he shut the door close.

"So does anyone want up for desserts?" The foreigner asked while clasping her hands and looking at them with a big smile on her white face; let the tension out. "How long are you staying here exactly again, Alex-san?" Himuro asked while he and the green-haired gathered the dirty plates off the table.

The blonde leaned against a nearby chair; how long was she going to stay here exactly? She wasn't much of herself since her plane ticket was a one way trip she won in a bet at a local gay bar.

"About a week or two, it depends really and since I'm helping Masaomi on our sister branch because he's getting old." She whispered the last part with a wink. She felt a smack on her head and turned to look at the redhead butler with a disapproving smile.

"Weren't you the one who said that it wasn't nice to say those things?" He said, his frown deepening twice fold. The blonde pouted, "What do you mean by that?" She asked innocently.

"Calling old people old; they don't need a reminder."

"Oh, so you think I would feel offended by being name-called by that Taiga?" The butler froze up and he turned his attention to his master who had his head tilted to the side, feigning innocence. He stuttered to find an answer but the master waved him off.

"Is she coming as well? Since it's been a while since I last saw her though..." She trailed off, honestly thinking she had a hate-love friendship with that person but nevertheless she emphasized that certain with a little distaste.

"I'm not certain but she did say she was coming around for a few days or so," He said, a little bit unsure of himself. Alex made a face before standing and while walking out she quickly dragged the blonde butler who was shocked and quickly protested his cries but no one bothered him as they left the room.

"Why did she bring Kise?" The blue-haired butler asked once the two blondes left the room. The Master gave a low chuckle was intertwining his hands together, "It could be another scheme to make Reo jealous but I doubt that would work,"

"Um, I don't mean to break it to you but look over there," Himuro pointed his finger and the redhead master followed his line of vision to see Mibuchi's eyes slit in slow but visible jealously as he glared daggers at the close entrance door.

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