Dear Kelland, i.

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Hi Kelland, 

I doubt you remember me.

I'm not offended;

I talked to you maybe four times over the span of three months. 

I was thinking about you today, and I thought you should know,

not that you actually will.

Upon beginning what would be my first quarter of college, I met you.

The first thing that stood out to me was your hair, 

long, dark, and floppy.

Then I noticed your face.

you had soft features.

a gentle curve of your otherwise prominent nose, and even more compassionately shaped eyes.

eyes the color of mossy topaz.

After class, you stood up and I noticed your height,

you're very tall.

but then again, most everyone is tall to me.

I remember touching your shoulders a few times, as I would brush past you to get to my seat.

You were careless about the way you sat, long legs sprawled out, tangled up, under the desk.

When I flip back through my old notebook there are drawings of you littered in the margins;

I was infatuated.

you inspired a lovely playlist.

I was at the kitchen table when I made it;

sunlight drenching my abandoned calculus homework.

The music is a bit juvenile, a little too candy-sweet, but fitting all the same.

I've just dropped in to say,

I appreciate the far-away adoration I had for you.

You never knew;

it was so uncomplicated.

I wish everything was as simple. 

I hope you are well,

peachie xx

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