part 7

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Alpha Blake's POV
30 November

"No I'm paying for what I bought ." I laughed at her "what's yours is now ours so technically we are both paying for it love so stop fighting me cause while you were arguing with me I've already payed so come on Emma is probably waiting for us ."

As I said that Emma mind linked me 'I'm done I'm going to the food court want anything ' she asked in a tiered voice ' get 2 double cheese burgers and chips with 2 cokes please but get it as a takeaway and meet us by the car ' I heard her say okay before looked down at Chloe who was giving me a weird stare . "What's wrong baby? " she was giving me a really weird " I don't like it when you do that. " she had a look of fear on her face that is not something I like to see " What do I do that weird you out love ?"

I really want to know so that she's not scared of me . " When your eyes glazed over you clench your fists so hard you draw blood. " she said this while looking at my hands . I look down to see I really did draw blood And quite a lot too . When my wolf heard this he started to freak out cause he was scaring our mate which he really didn't like .Luckily I was wearing black pants so you couldn't see the smeared blood .

"Well baby axe is freaking out about how that made you feel so he is going to try not do that anymore ." With that she nods I offer her my free arm to hold onto cause my hands are bloody and I would carry her but I'm carrying shopping bags in my other hand. So I started walking with her to the car and on the way we meet up with Emma who was carrying bags and food for all 3 of us .

When we got to the car we put every thing in the canopy except the food . I opened Chloes door for her and she climbed in . Emma handed us our food and she started eating her chips while feeding me mine I knew she'd be full after the chips so I would save her burger for later . Cause I'm used to going off the grid quite often I have a car fridge in the canopy so I'll just put it in there and she can warm it up later if she wants.

She handed me my burger and the girls started jaming out to The Girl Is Mine (featuring Destiny's Child & Brandy) . *BTW this song is my jam it dosent need to nesscerly need to be yours* " excuse me can I please talk to you for a minute. " Both of the girls scream sang a few sing later most of the all 3 of us sang we reached the pack house . The girls went into go get dressed into more formal close for the meeting . While I finished off my burger .

When I was done I grabbed the clothes that one of my pack memberd brought for me and I ran upstairs to a empty guest room had a shower and got dressed when I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Chloe in a formal royal blue dress and matching flat shoes .

Wow I whispered under my breath when she reached the bottom of the stairs I pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear "You look Gorgeous my love but you'd look better without the makeup . " She replied with "A gorgeous girl for a handsome man . " I looked at her lovingly " You are a woman not a girl . Now let go give those asses the punishment they deserve . So we can go build a home for our child." She looked confident and ready to kick ass.

Chloe's Pov

"You are a woman not a girl. Now let go give those asses the punishment they deserve.So we can go build a home for our child." He said that and I all of a sudden got a wave of confidence I then escorted them to the meeting room where the council members were just outside . "Morning elders ,I hope you found everything okay ? " I said as if I'd been in this roll for years . Which scared me never mind them . They were very shocked to .

Me trying to break the ice I said "Everything okay ? " they nod "If there's nothing else you need I think we must get started then ." As I said that I walked in to the meeting room leaving the 5 council members shoked as well as Blake and Emma . The meeting room had been set up as a court 1 long table in front with 5 chairs tucked neatly under the table. 2 tables in front of that that with 2 chairs tucked under each table and chairs for the people that have been invited to view the meeting . Just as I had finished admiering what my beat had done in such a short time frame .

The council members came in and sat down and called for my dad and betty I learnt her name was to be brought up . I closed my eyes and took a deep breath I felt someone rub my back the council members called me and blake to take a seat which we did. Just as we sat the council guards brought in my dad .

As my dad was seated he said nervously . "Hi dad how you doing ? " I thought he was saying in a mocking voice because I didn't greet but I was surprised to hear a answer . "Disappointed to say the least ."Elder Edward said wait what ?? "Now if we have no further questions I would like to begin?" There was silence in the room before he continued " Ok now Chloe we would like to hear your side of the story first . " I took a sipe of my coke from earlier before I started speaking.

" It all started a year after mom  and Ryan died it started with mean comments like you are rushed and move on to more harsh like your the reason their dead . Then a couple months later he started reducing the amount of times I could eat a day it then move from once a day to once a week . "I paused and took a breath . " He then started give me omega work but with this he also gave the pack members permission to verbally abused me they then took it upon themselves to start the physical abuse . He followed suit 2 months later.

When this started he moved me to the basement so when I had done something wrong in his eyes he could throw me down the stairs for entertainment . "I felt tears escape but I didn't stop because I wanted him to suffer . " He used to give me drugs to hide my sent so when visitors came he would tell them I died with my mom and brother he's tried so many times to kill me oh and he commanded that that no one help me with anything health wise clothes or even omega duties I was the only omega In the house since the age of 11 . 3 days ago he .... He "I steadied my self on the table and the continued .

"He raped me I knew I was pregnant the moment he was finish because he kept going for 2 hours after I woke up I don't know how long before he started and he had no protection. The reason he did all this is because he says a woman can not be in charge of anything not even a kitchen . If you need evidence here's my diary and all incidents on camera to incase you don't believe me . The rape test kit and the photos of the injury he cause and just so we are clear when he would throw wolfbane at me and i would bath in freezing cold second hand  bath water with no soap . That's why I have all the scars on my back he never managed to pore it any where else .and last but not least he would tell visitors that my mom and Ryan were killed by roughs then the next day they were killed in a car crash or they went for a walk and never came home or they went missing or that my mom kill Ryan herself and I . It was a story "

I sat down and Blake gave me a side hug and a tissue I collected myself and then stood back up ''when did all of this start Chloe? "Elder Sarah asked." It all started 10 years ago ." "By your sent I can smell that you have gone through with the mating process which is why you smell different then you normally would. Are you aware that would have changed the baby's DNA ?" I looked at blake hoping for his help he just gave me a nod "Yes elder Shaun I am aware of that ." "Do you have a reason why you did that ?" Elder Shaun asked "Because I didn't want them to have their father be there grand father as well and I don't want a constant reminder of what he did to me when I look at my child . A child should have been our choice but it wasnt . " I said that while looking at Blake and extending my hand to him . "Not a problem that is handed to us by a man he thinks he is better than anyone and can make personal decisions for others we took the problem on together and made it our choice.  "

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