Part 22

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"these are the 2 rooms that you will be staying in here are the sheets I just want to go get the supplies I need and I will be with you to help you tidy up"

I turned and walked down the passage to get the maids cart with the supplies in once I got there I pulled out the wheelie cart and the hose attachment for the built in vacuum cleaner and started walking back before I went in I put on my apren so I wouldnt ruin my good clothes. I pushed the cart into blares room to see that the sheets had been stripped and changed. "what is the routine Chloe." I looked up to see both women in oldish clothes. "well clean the bathrooms dust and polish the furniture vacuum check all the lights are working and replace the batteries in the remotes." Linda said "I'll do the bathrooms" blare chimed in right after "I'll do the dusting and polishing and vacuuming don't you think of doing anything else in the other room just check the lights and batteries OK and once that is done I want you to sit down on the bed and talk to us." I nodded and we all started our tasks and in no time both rooms were done

" Do you want to come with me to the kitchen or do you want to relax before dinner. " I asked them hoping they would want to relax after all the cleaning they had just done " dear we would like to come with you to see the whole process and no it's already halfway through in terms of cooking the meal but we want to see your system of how you structure dinner. " Linda said " that's not a problem do you want five minutes to change? " I said with a smile " give us 5 minutes to change that way we look presentable when meeting the rest of of the Pack."Blair said"of course I'll wait out in the passage. "

I waited in the passage for less than five minutes before both ladies come out"away ready to go? " they both gave me a look and we headed toward the stairs and walk towards the kitchen " are we all ready for dinner? " I announced to the staff there were few yes is and 1 or 2 no apostrophe s"and why not? " I said feeling very upset I explained the whole system to them this morning" we can't find some of the cutlery. " I took in a sigh " which cutlery? " a choir of the red ones come out trying to rack my brain what were they talking about " oh for the children yes that's in the plastic cupboard which is located here." I said as I walk towards the cupboard with all allergy crockery and cutlery in " ok let's set the dining room and then we will call everyone for dinner " they took all the crockery and cutlery and made their way to the dining room and started setting the table

"It seems to be running smoothly "said Linda" well this is a first time for all of them using the system as I've only been here 2 days. " I said feeling very proud " 2 days karma I thought they already started today. " I laughed at Linda " no I started training them two days ago this is the first time they are actually using the system I'm very surprised it's going very well. " both women looked at me as if I'd grown two heads " it seems your system is very adaptable can't wait to use it in my kitchen."

'Right everyone dinner is ready please make your way to the dining room ' as I said that through the Pack mindlink I could hear the thuding of feet above me " well I hope you're all ready cuz here comes people. " we had a few bumps with dinner as expected I was very surprised to not see Ryan or Blake so I decided to send them a private mindlink ' where are you going dinner has been served must I dish up for you?' Ryan replied will be down in a few just handling some issues

' ok see you guys now ' just did everyone at finish dishing up in walked Ryan and Blake I will talk to Blake and gave me a hug" I hope everything is ok do you need anything? " I asked very curiously " no explain it to you after dinner there's nothing to stress about. " as he said that we walked towards the table to dish up I handed him a plate and dished a small portion of food for myself knowing I wouldn't finish the last portion that he would dish for me he looked at me Strange.

We made our way to the alphas table Linda and Blair had already dished up and were sitting comfortably eating at the same table we were heading to Linda popped up and said " system really works and your food is also very delicious I must get the recipes for my pack"I let out a laugh " you don't need to worry when I move they coming with me. " we ate in silence till I heard an outburst at one of the tables I knew immediately who it was and in a loud authoritive voicel I said " what seems to be the problem to be causing such a scene in front of our guests. " and Grunt was let out bythe person" this isn't what we normally have for dinner " I rolled my eyes before saying " well that looks like a you problem everyone else seems to be enjoying their dinner. " I demand something different she screamed " well our kitchen staff took hours preparing this and you want something else you can make it yourself. Or you can just not eat expect to see you in my office after dinner no matter what you decide" I sat back down and took a deep sigh Blake started to rub my back which I really appreciated ' we'll both be there after dinner I'm not letting you stand up to her on your own. She's a bitch' said Blake in our mind link after dinner we made our way to my office waiting outside the door was no other than Caitlin the one who would cause the outburst at dinner open my door " come in we don't have much time. " she took a seats and Blake begin to speak " I refuse to be disrespected in any pack nevertheless my own. Did you find your behaviour tonight appropriate because I didn't."  Before he even gave her time to reply he started speaking again. " I don't know how many warnings you people want but you are on your last one, one more messed up and you are out not out of this house out of this pack I refuse to be disrespected in front of my pack members nevertheless my mate to be disrespected I do not care what I have to say for yourself now leave. " but he said that she got up to leave she opened the door and close it behind her" I will not be spoken to like that ever again and nor will you understand what you did during dinner was to keep your cool around my mother and Aunt Linda but if anything like that happens in the Royal dining room I would have lost my shit and I'm very surprised my mother didn't step in and have a say." he sighed than continue to speak" I'm proud of you and how you handled it your a true Luna. " he leaned closer to me and gave me a kiss on my for head

" Thank you for having my back no ones ever done that for me before." he gave me a soft smile." You are my partner in life and in this pack no one and I mean no one will ever do it again and if they try there will be consequences. And I'm not just saying it to boost my ego but I don't know what I'd do without you."

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