part 20

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Chloe's POV

I felt like I was being lifted by my mate I could tell by the scent and by the sparks . I felt a slight sway as he walked I drifted back into sleep till I felt cold and a soft bed below me . Subconsciously I called out " Blake, come back " I mumbled the last part but soon i felt the bed dip a arm put around my waist and sparks were like a lullaby to me th last thing I heard was "I'm not going anywhere babe " .

I woke up to Leah slamming the door open yelling "Breakfast needs to be made and Chloe I have been told you still need to teach the kitchen staff and I will not be eating cereal again Tomorrow so get up and go teach ."I was very surprised by her out burst till Ryan came in and apologized for her out burst and carried her over his shoulder while she moaned about being hungry and not wanting cereal . Ryan suggested the dinner she agreed and quieted down as walked down the passage.

I looked over my shoulder to see Blake wide awake smiling at me . "What are you looking at ?" I asked with a cheecky smile on my face . "Only this geourgeus babe next to me. " He pulled me closer and started kissing my neck. "Babe I really don't have time for this how about we do something tonight? " He looks very upset but mutters a fine

I got up and said "do you want to join me in the shower "you could see the joy on his face as I said that.  We had a shower and he made sure I would be walking funny . We got out he wrapped me in a towel and carried me to the walk in closet.  "Now you get dressed baba I'm going to go get us breakfast and coffee ."As he said that he put on underware and shorts he grabbed a shirt and kissed my head as he walked out he put the shirt on . I looked at my clothes and decided to wear a peach dress and some heels . I got dressed and sat on the bed to put my heels on . I checked myself in the mirror before heading downstairs

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I yelled "You better all be ready and waiting for me in the kitchen in 2 minutes cause I have a lot to do today ." I took a deep breath and went to get a cup of tea . I looked at the clock a gain and 2 minutes was up

"Right you need to know these things off by heart
Number 1. Red plates equal allergy's be it plastic or ceramic . Kids under 12 get plastic plates always and need to be accompanied by a adult allergys or not . Numb..."I was interrupted by a short blond girl "Why do we need to know this ?" I gave her my bitch face ." If you hadn't interrupted me you would know now would you . You are working in my kitchen . I am head chef not who ever appointed themselves to take the job prove yourself and well see who I choose to work along side me . First and only warning  any other smart ass that wants to but in ?" I looked around and saw no objections

"Great . You are on probation now where was I oh yes
Number 2 any one with a red plate must go to allergy table first. Adults know what they are allergic to so they can dish up from any table kids might not so we don't take any chances
Number 3 no kid may dish up on there own if they are dishing up on there own you must take the plate from them and bring them to the front of the dining room and ask if anyone's child has left there seats.  Any comments more than that or attitude will get you a meeting with me and alpha. 
Number 4 always stick to the recipe  I have taken years to perfect these recipes so that people with or without  allergies can eat most food from the non allergy table ok
Number 5 Always make the allergy free alternative version of the recipe first you'll learn the amounts that is needed as you go along. 
Number 6 do not mix spoons between dishes if the spoon has come out the bowl or gone into your mouth it needs to be washed before used again. There's alot of dishes at the end of the night but it's worth it to not have someone go into anaphylaxis

Number 7 you guys will be monitoring the dining room during meals as well as helping assisting the elderly. Basicly you are the shofers ushers and servers. "     
"HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO ALL THAT. " the same boy from earlier yelled "I don't see what the problem is I did it by myself for almost 8 years so since it's a big problem I will no longer be needing your servived in the kitchen any more. "I looked at him.  "Leave now and don't go to far alpha will be here soon wait in the dining hall  "

The rest of the training went smooth till I heard a voice say "all of you go get something to eat have  lunch ready by 12:00 and dinner ready by 6:00 ." I looked to see my darling mate standing in the door way with a bag of food and a drink tray.  "You know I love you. " I said as i walked towards him. When I got to him I wrapped my arms around his neck and gavr him a kiss.  "How did it go baba? " he gave me a living look
" It went well . Babe can you ask your head chef to come have a meeting with me I want to learn how they run their kitchen and start to combine our methods. " I said as we walked to a table to sit and eat . He pulled out a chair for me and said.  "Of course babe she'll be willing to get here tonight if you want ." He let out a small laugh.  " just ask her to come tommorow afternoon okay. "He scooted closer and put a hand around my waist and looked me in the eyes before saying "she'll be her as soon as she physicaly can when I tell her that I found my mate and i know for a fact she will tell my mom and theyll both come "I let out a small laugh I then started to think about my mom and how she would have loved him like her own son." Oh ja uh what's his name John is in no longer aloud in my any kitchen that I run. I will not be disrespect in my kitchen "

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