Part 23

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Like an hour later we are still in my office when something came to my mind " when is the meeting with the Elders? " he thought about it for a second before he replied " they haven't given me a date I'll speak to them tomorrow in the morning and see if I can get it to be done tomorrow then we can speak to the pack in the afternoon." How long is it going to take them I thought to myself the pack  can't do anything for themselves till they have come to a conclusion we really are on a time crunch here. " I've had a really long day I'm gonna head up to bed are you gonna join me? " he looks with me for a second before you pick me up and carry me to bed before we'd even reached the top of the stairs I was already asleep.

The next morning

I rolled over to see Blake was not in the bed I looked at the clock it was 3 in the morning I tried to reach him via private mindlink but it seems to have been blocked off. Got out of bed and went to go look for him I could smell that he was on still on the top floor. I followed his secent to the office where I saw he had passed out on the desk I didn't want to wake him but I knew I had to otherwise he would have a very sore neck in the morning I walked towards him and gently shook him while whispering"come on babe let's get you to bed. " he let out a little bit of gibberish and I knew he was so tiered so I shook him a bit harder and eventually he woke up I took his hand gently guided him back to the bedroom closing and locking the office door behind us. As soon as he saw the bed he  climbed in and passed out I climb back in immediately turning over as soon as I did he pull me into his chest. He never did tell me what happened before. I don't know I'll have to ask him what happened in the morning

I woke up that morning to the sun shining through the curtains that I  forgot to closed I turned over to look at my clock and saw that it was seven. I decided to get up and close the curtains and climb back into bed and to see how late I could actually sleep cuz the whole time I was under Mike's ruling I never got to sleep late the next time I woke up the bed was empty and there was a bottle of water and a note next to my bed and looks the time and saw it was 3:30 in the afternoon wow looks like I actually needed to sleep I reach for the note and read it" hey babe I'm in my office if you need me I really hope you enjoyed your sleep it looked like it to me. I didn't have the heart to wake you XOXO Blake " don't have the sweetest mate ever I couldn't ask for anyone better.

I got up and walked towards the office I knocked on the door before entering cuz I got wiff of a different scent other than Blake's I didn't want to walk in on an important meeting I heard a comment and then a come in from the other side of the door " well someone looks well rested seems like you really need that. "Blake said then nodded in agreement I proceeded to the other side of desk so I could see who the other person in office was it was non other than rising wind alpha"it's nice to see you Alpha Damien how are you. " I gave him a weak smile before he said " I was very shocked to hear about you considering your father had someone that looked very similar to you in a casket on the day of the funeral he was very brave to have a open casket. When I heard that you were alive I had to see it for myself. I still can't believe he would do such a thing and the whole pack went along with it. Just the thought of it sickens me "

I give him a sad smile and looked down at Blake who was making a gesture for me to sit on his lap I shook my head and without a second to side step he pulled me into his lap I let out a little yelp as he did so and I gave him the evil eye and he laughed it off. "so what brings you here Alpha Damien?" i asked politely. "Oh I'm here to see you and to see if you need any help with the transition to the new pack." I let out a small laugh and jokingly said "Can you force them to respect me" he laughed right back and said "once you have moved territorys it will change cause they still associate this territory with Mike and his ruling." the disrespect that the name was said with made me feel proud in a way cause I knew he was on my side unlike my pack. It's going to be a hard change. After talking to Damien for a while he had to get back to his pack leaving Blake and I alone in the office

"good morning babe" I said with a laugh he laughed right back before leaning in and giving me a kiss. He pulled away slowly and smiled "have you eaten yet baby?" shaking my head no he pushed his chair away from the desk I almost fell off with the speed that he had pushed off with but he caught me and said "let's change that."

He was in a really good mood this morning well afternoon. He picked me up and made his way to our room after locking up the office. "I thought we were going to get food?" he looked at me and said "they going to bring it up cause I want no one else seeing my beautiful sexy hot mate in her pjs" then I realized that I was yet to get ready for today. I blushed and looked at the floor. He lifted my head with one finger "no need to be embarrassed." he said in a cheeky tone

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