part 9

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Chloe's pov
30 November 2016

"Ryan I...I thought you were dead ." He gave me a sad smile " No I'm not sis he locked me up after I exposed him for having a affare at the age of 10 but this was not any affare it was the affare where I was conceived by Amber bechies and Mike bechies. " Wait Ryan is only my half brother. What dose that make me ?" Now I know you have lots off questions but I will answer them now . I found this out because there was a death certificate and will of a woman by the name of Amber Bechies and a marriage certificate of Mike and Amber Bechies." He walked towards the council and put something on their table I can only assume that it was the documents he was speaking about

" I showed this to Ellis and she took me to my mothers funeral but when we returned Mike beat her to death and he then Kept me in a shed deep in the felt (in the south African bush felt aka long unkempt wild grass pic in the meadia box ) till about last year I escaped he thought the lions (lions dont walk around the county freely they are only in the national park's) had gotten to me cause he left the shed door open . I went back to my mothers pack sadly she had never found her mate so I had to take over the position making Chloe the rightfull leader of this pack .

While I was down there he starved me he beat me and anything he did or anything he gave me to eat was lased with wolfsbane you can all guess why but why guess when I can tell you . He knew he was old and my wolf would over power his so elder Shaun please play the recording for us . And he blamed her death on a car accident."

Elder Shaun plugged the device into the pa system and turned it on Ryan came and stood behind me. Elder Shaun gave him a look asking if he could push play Ryan nodded and he pushed play

'You are a stupid shit but if you really wanted and you weren't poisoned you could easily kill me . But I would rather have you dead but it's fun to make you and your sister suffer and since your dead to the world the and I'm your own living relative the paperwork has started to transfer the red moon pack to me '

You then heard footsteps and Ryan shouting what did you do to my sister you monster one day you are gonna get what you deserve for killing them and you know it . I teared up at the thought of Ryan thinking I was dead I wiped my eyes before anyone could see them .

"Oh and I have on more pice of evidence to give you here's Ellis' autopsies report not only did he kill his own mate but he killed his own children and from the blood tests that were done when she died they were Mike's off springs and they were fully developed meaning he had to have know that they were there and alive . But here's the thing this report was never filed for investigation nor was it ever given to the council because he foughed both our death certificates and autopsies reports ."

Blake stood up and said "Look how he treated his children and even how he let his pack treat his child. That is no way a alpha should treat any PACK member no matter the ranking .So you have more than enough reason to kill him And if you don't take the appropriate action cause he's family you all will be having a hearing of your own . "

With that the council said "Everyone be here at 8 am sharp this time the doors will be locked . Now you are all dismissed. " Everyone got up and left after the guards had escorted my dad away we started to walk away. "Chloe. " the council called me. "We are going to be here for a while please have someone bring us some drinks and food if you don't mind ?"I nodded and said "I will bring it myself just so we don't have any further issue oh and before I go I know I was supposed to get this before hand but i wasnt aware of your arrival are there any dietery requirements or sleeping preference. "There was only one dietary requirement and it was for elder Sarah and that was for everything to be low in fat cause she had her gallbladder removed ." no that is correct I also asked my brother the same thing

"Blake I need you to go get the important visitors file out of the office as well as the laptop and the charger bring it down to the kitchen for me . I need to start on dinner and hier kitchen and cleaning staff . Oh and if you can find it the light moon law book that was printed for my dad we need that to be updated before we decide what to do with this pack." He gave me a nod and ran up stairs while i went to the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen and decided to do curry and rice I did mutton curry , chicken curry and mince curry i started cutting the onions put them in the pot as I was doing so Blake put everything I asked for on the table that is in the kitchen and the looked over at me and said "you really shouldn't be stressing yourself love let me help you" he said as he came and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "If you want to help take some cheese and saltie crakes to the elders along with a few drink options and tell them a guard will be standing outside if they need any thing." as I said that I tried to move to go stir the pots but Blake wouldn't let go of me so I turned around in his arms and gave him a kiss

" I need to cook cause we have no one else to do it and I don't feel like throwing it out and washing the pots and starting again."He muttered a fine and I finished up the currys half was through when I was almost finished Blake walked in and sat down at the table.I gave him a look and he as if reading my mind stood up and asked if there was anything he could help with I told him to take 2 loaves of bread from the freezer and defrost them for the guards to give to the prisoners .

After he did that we both went and sat down at the table "Okay let's cut to the chase . I am the only blood line left for this pack we have 4 options if you would consider they
1. We murge this pack with yours
2. We get a near by Alpha to run it on our behalf .
3. We murge it with a near by pack .
4. We murge with my brothers pack
But there will need to be a permit treati between us and my brother no matter what option we go with . "

He looked at me and reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze before saying "we will make it work as a family and we will have the law books rewritten to suit both party's but I would like it if it was me and you that combine the packs but it's really up to you and your brother so do you want me to get your brother here or not ? And if you want to combine your brothers pack yours and mine together I don't mind we'll be dealing with a lot of problems for other packs so it would be nice to have your brother manage the pack ."

Nod instantly to his question  he got up to go call him while I updated the important visitors book . I put my brother down to always be in the room he always loved and updated elder Sarah's dietary requirements and medical notes to my VIP visitors file as I find out new things about our vip guest I'll update this file but always confirm this information with either them them selves there staff or lunas

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