chapter 6: the boy with the blond hair

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I woke up the next morning to my big room that was miraculously filled with moving boxes aka more things we shipped that had arrived overnight. The sun shone through my open window and it could only mean one was the first day of school, for me at least. I braided my long black hair into two French braids and pondered my outfit choices before deciding on blue skinny jeans a black tank top and wrapped my blue flannel around my waist. I rolled up the bottom of my jeans to my ankles and wore my black and white vans and neon ankle socks. I was very casual when it came to style. I went into the kitchen to see my dad burning breakfast. His alarmed expression was enough to send me into a fit of laughter. Since my mom's death my dad tried to take on a maternal role but it just wasn't coming easy to him. "Its ok dad" I said "I'll just eat at school, besides landon is waiting" "Ok sweetheart, have fun and take it easy, even if you don't make friends today you will soon enough! " he kissed the top of my forehead and handed me my bag which I slung over my shoulder.  I stepped outside and shuffled my feet nervously. I wasn't sure if I should go over and knock on the hemmings door or if I should wait until landon came out. I walked back and forth mentally slapping myself for forgetting to get his phone number. As I was debating with myself I heard a voice call my name. "Karla! You ready?" I turned to see landon looking....well....looking extremely hot. His blond hair was quiffed but this was no ordinary quiff it was very James Dean looking. He was wearing tan khaki shorts and a white polo shirt with moccasins. He looked very preppy but also delicious. I smiled big and waved as I walked next door and attempted to open the passenger door. "Karla! What are you doing?" I jumped back as though I was burned by the door knob with an embarrassing stutter" I...I...I'm sorry, I didn't know...." landon chuckled as he made his way over to my side of the car and he opened my door "my lady" he said bowing and gesturing to the inside of the car I smiles and got inside and when he was sure I was settled he closed the door. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you love" landon said getting into the driver side.  His Australian  accent was deep and heavy but also elegant. "I believe in being a gentleman and opening a ladies door, pulling out her chair. Those sorts of things"  landon flashed me a smile showing all of his perfect teeth. I felt my face flush as I said thanks. The ride to school was short and for that I was glad because we didn't talk much. When we got to school la.Don insisted on taking me to the office to get my schedule but I convinced him I would be just fine. I walked along the hallways to the office and admired the kids around me. Even though I was on the other side if the world i didn't see a difference in the kids here versus the kids at my old school in Texas. The only tell tell sign that was different was the accents.  I made my way to the office and told the receptionist my name and she left the desk to search a big file cabinet before returning with my schedule. She explained the A day's and B days and wished me luck. I looked at my schedule and grinned wide at the fact that I had first period math and my teacher was Liz! I stood in the hallways lost when I heard a familiar accent behind me almost making me drop the paper I was holding "lost?" I turned around to see landon? No this one must be luke. "yeah just a little" I replied Luke gave me that sideways smirk before grabbing, rather roughly I may add, my schedule front hands. A small smile crept on his lips as he said "well lucky you, you get to hang out with my mum for an hour and 15 minutes" I wondered why he sounded so sarcastic,  Liz seemed like such a lovely woman, surely it couldn't be that bad. Luke started walking off with my schedule and I wondered if he had forgotten that he still had it. He stopped walking and turned slightly before saying " are you coming?" I walked quietly behind Luke for what seemed like 3 minutes before he stopped in front of a door marked room 382 "here you are!" Luke said handing me back my schedule. "See ya in 4th period he said "what?" I replied Luke chuckled before pointing to my English class ands saying "we have the same class" "honors English? " I questioned. Now don't  get me wrong but Luke didn't seem like your honors classes type my eyes made their way over his ripped  skinny jeans and oversized cut off tee his tattoo on one arm that say 'but it's better if we do' Luke's smile faded and he glared at me, "I hate to break it to you princess but sometimes people aren't what they seem." And with that Luke stormed off.I didn't know what to do, I felt so bad.  I didn't want Luke to feel I was judging him, I was just surprised. I walked into the classroom and saw Liz writing something in the board.  When she saw me she clasped her hands together excitedly "Karla dear! How wonderful!" She gave me a big hug before retreating back " sorry must keep it professional, I got caught up. Sit anywhere you like." I took a seat on the side near the back and opened my notebook to copy what it was Liz was writing. "So I see you've met luke" came a voice behind me, I turned to see a girl with blond hair and green eyes. She was smiling at me but something told me there was more to that question.  When I didn't respond she clarified herself "Luke hemmings, the boy with the blond hair?" "Yeah" I laughed "I live next door to him" she cocked her head to the side with wide eyes as realization dawned on her "Karla right?" "Yeah" I said "wait how do you know me?" "Landon wouldn't shut up at the dinner gala last night about the new hot girl from America that moved in next door" "I thought he was being delusional but here you are in the flesh. I'm aleisha by the way" the girl said as she stuck out her hand and as I shook it she said "in all seriousness stay away from Luke....he isn't good to be around and the last thing I would want is to see you get hurt." My face fell and I felt the blood leave my face as that cryptic warning, what could she mean? Aleisha laughed and said "don't worry I'm sure you will be fine just be cautious" and with that the bell rang signaling the start of class.

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