chapter 5: New beginnings

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Walking into the house it seemed that the majority of our furniture had been shipped and was placed in its place in the house. I walked over to my mother's grand piano that she played at family parties and took a seat. I played a little melody that my mother use to play to me when I was sad growing up, I lost myself in the song as my fingers danced across the keys. I was woken from my trance by the ding of the door bell, I threw open the big door to be greeted by three people. The boy I saw in the window as well as another boy who was identical to him except his had no lip ring and he was very clean cut wearing a red plaid button up shirt and loose fitting dark blue dress pants finished off by black dress shoes, his hair was quiffed and he wore a bright smile with his tongue resting between his top and bottom teeth. His brother wore a black shirt cut into a tank top, black skinny jeans and black and white converse. In addition to his unique clothing style his beautiful blond hair was also styled into a quiff topped off by a burgundy beanie and a bored look stuffing his hands in his pockets. My eyes then fell to a woman who stood in front. She was short and very sweet looking as well as the two boys she had blond hair that went to her shoulders and was wavy and she held a dish in her hands. She held out her free hand and I shook it. " hi I'm Liz hemmings and these are my two boys landon" she said pointing to the clean cut boy "and luke" she said pointing to the seemingly bored beanie clad boy. Landon reached forward to grab ny hand shaking it excitedly while Luke just glanced up at me with the same sideways smirk as before nodded his head my direction once and went back to his bored expression. "Hi I'm Karla montoya" I said nervously "so where are your parents love?" Liz asked glancing behind me. I sighed before continuing" my dad is resting upstairs it seems the jetlag took a toll on him" I laughed" and your mum? " Liz innocently inquired all the color left my face and I began to stutter"" I cleared my throat" she passed away 6 months ago" I finished looking at a bug crawling across the sidewalk. At that moment luke's eyes shot up to mine and I immediately looked away. The last thing I wanted was pity. That's the main reason I was cool with moving here to escape the pity everyone seemed to throw at me. Liz pulled me into a tight hug earning her a disapproving glare from Luke while land on rubbed my back. "I'm so sorry my dear!" Liz started. "Mrs hemmings" I started "please don't even think about it, there was no way you could have known" I said offering her a reassuring smile that she returned. She looked down at her hands before exclaiming "oh my! I almost forgot! I made you a bananas and creme pie to welcome you." She held out the dish and I took it thanking her. "So karla" landon began "what grade are you In?" He said hopeful. "I'll be a senior this year." At that news he perked up" me and my brother will be as well." What school are attending?" Spoke the last voice I expected to hear. I looked up and met eyes with Luke "clearcrest college" I said and landon rubbed his hands together excitedly "wow this will be fun we go there too, and our mum teaches there" "really?" I grinned at Liz she nodded before replying "geometry teacher" before blushing. "Well we better get going, my husband andy has a huge gala dinner tonight and he is receiving an award." Liz said proudly as the three turned to leave Luke gave me a small smirk and winked. Landon pulled into a hug and said "I'll see you Monday at school!" "Yeah" I replied sheepishly before retreating back into house. I walked into the kitchen to put down the pie and there was another knock on the door. I opened it to see landon "hey Karla I was just wondering if you wanted to ride to school with me monday" "You drive?" I laughed yep he said proudly gesturing next door to a white audi parked in the wide driveway I smiled excitedly before replying "sure!" I said goodbye and closed the door feeling very happy. Maybe this move wouldn't be so bad after all.

A/n sorry I know it's been 8 months since inundated but no worries I will update at least once a week now

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