chapter 15

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Luke's POV:
I felt bad leaving before Karla woke up but I had to get to Michael and collect what I was owed. Did I feel bad for pretending to like Karla just to take her virginity? Well yeah but I made a bet and I couldn't back down now. Sure it started off as a bet but I couldn't help but develop real feelings for her. I walked into my house to get a shower before I met up with Mike and of course I ran into my annoying ass brother. Landon sat at the breakfast table eating toast and scrolling his phone. He was still in a singlet and boxers. He barely looked up as I walked in but noticing my disheveled appearance he took a double take before remarking "wow so what lucky girl, or shall I say unlucky girl had the misfortune of being your belt notch last night?" I considered being a gentleman and playing it coy but that's just not my style. "Our beautiful next door neighbor" I said smirking. I felt bad just smidge for putting me and Karla's night on blast like that but it all became worth it as I watched Landon's face pale and his phone drop into his plate. "You're so vile Luke! She isn't just one of those trashy girls you hang around OK she's way better than that. You better not hurt her or I swear to god I'll - " "or you'll what?" I screamed "you thought she was gonna fall for your gentlemanly acts and your preppy look and nice compliments? Face it Landon you're a fucking loser, Karla will never choose you over me." I left to my room without sparing him a second glance. I felt bad for saying all that to my brother but lately I was becoming someone I didn't wanna be. I was starting to feel.

Michael's pov (ayyye)

I paced back and forth in front of the classroom with my dad's old guitar and $100 in my hand to pay Luke. I felt bad for doing this but I knew Karla deserved better. Even if it wasn't me ID rather see her with that dork Landon. He really liked her and when he came to me and asked for help to expose his brother for the lying spineless little shit that he was I couldn't say no. But here I am handing over my most prized possession. I can't believe Karla gave in to him like that. I spotted Luke walking towards me in his signature skinny jeans and leather jacket. This time he had a backwards burgundy snap back on and some slut on his arm as per usual. "My my my, if it isn't Michael "douchebag" Clifford, is that my guitar in your hand. It will look mighty fine the next time I go to Karla's to fuck her brains out." My hand clenched the neck of the guitar because I knew he was baiting me for a fight. I wouldn't give him what he wanted. I thrust forward the guitar and the cash "just take it and shut the fuck up hemmings" I said through gritted teeth. "Hold on Mikey" like said teasingly as he threw his arm around my shoulder. "That's no way to speak to a friend. I mean we are friends aren't we?" I turned to look at him, "what the fuck are you on hemmings? I wouldn't he friends with you if the choice were you or Donald Trump." Luke put his hand over his heart in much offence before dropping the arm that was around my shoulders. He pocketed the money and slung the guitar strap over his shoulder and turned to walk away. I stared at him retreating, shooting mental daggers into his back before he turned and said "pleasure doing business with you Clifford, and believe me when I say it was a PLEASURE." I wanted that Asshole dead. I pulled out my phone and dialed Landon's number. "Hey Mike!" Landon's cheerful voice greeted.he was nothing at all like how twin. His eyes were bright and trusting while Luke's were dark and cold. Landon always kept and inviting smile on his face while Luke kept a grimace or a smirk, both were unsettling. I wondered how two boys could look the absolute same yet be so different. It gave me an idea. "OK so your plan didn't work, Luke did get with Karla but I have an idea" I took Landon's pause as an invitation to keep talking so I did. I told him the plan and when I was done he seemed skeptical. "Gee Mike, IDK if I can pull this off. I'm not an actor and this has never worked when we were little." "Dude you'll be fine, just follow the script and everything will go to plan" Landon reluctantly agreed and I gave him some last minute details before hanging up my phone. If it was the last thing I did I'd make sure Luke never got with Karla again and that she hated him forever causing her to run straight into Landon's arms.

Sorry for this short chapter it's just I have another story I've been working on and I need to get it started before the wattys submission closes so here is a short chapter. ILY guys and please check out my other story wannabe groupie.

Also how cute is that pic of Mikey I'm ded
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