CHAPTER 9: At least now you can say you've been kissed

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Luke sank back in his seat and to my immense appreciation ignored me for the rest of the class period and after what seemed to be a billion years the bell rang signaling the end of my torture. i grabbed up my belongings and fled the classroom before luke had even processed what was going on. the rest of the day went more smoothly seeing how i had avoided aleisha and landon. even ashton was worried about me but i shrugged off his attempts to console me. it wasnt until after school i found myself with a the hell would i get home? "karla!" i turned to see a very cheery michael running towards me from the parking lot, his hair was a vibrant lime green but it suited him and comlimented his grennsih eyes. "how are you getting home?" i looked down at the ground "well im not sure to be honest" michael came over and lifted my chin with his finger "you ok?" he asked smiling "please dont tell me you let that stupid prick luke get to you?" i blushed not meeting michaels eyes "karla you are so nice and gorgeous and luke is probably upset because you are way out of his league, here let me take you somewhere awesome to get your mind off that jerk and then i'll take you home. how does that sound?" i smiled because for the first time in my life someone was making an effort to do something nice for me that wasnt my parents or one of their friends. i smiled following michael to his car and slid in the passenger seat " so mr clifford where are we going?" i asked him as he slid in the drivers seat " well miss montoya you know what they say...good things come to those who wait1" he winked before starting up the car and backing out of the parking lot. the drive to whereever we were going was nice and refreshing and much to michaels delight i hadnt thought about luke once. michael played greendays american idiot album and we both sang our lungs out with me even air drumming on the dashboard. "wow karla !" michael began staring at me  from the drivers side "what?" i asked blushing once more. " you continue to surprise me... you arent anything like i thought you were" at the mention of that i notice where the car had stopped. a convience store. "michael your grand surprise for today was to take me to a convience store?" i asked raising my eyebrow. " part one of it anyway" michael said rather matter of factly. "stock up on whatever you want he said before dissapearing down an aisle. i walked up and down each aisle grabbing whatever caught my attention before meeting back up with michael at the cash register  plopping my prospective purchases on the counter next to his equally impressive loot " like i said," michael chuckled " you continue to surprise me." "what?" i asked " you arent like most girls around here, most girls wouldnt be seen eating junk food around a guy let alone this much!" michael said but in his tone i found no hint of accusation or blame but instead a curiousity we stared at each other until the cahsier brought us out of our trance by telling us what we owed for the food. i pulled out my wallet prepared to split it but micheal took it out of my hand placing it back into my bag " i said this was MY surprise" he said all the while handing the cashier the amount we owed. "thanks michael" i beamed at him squeezing his bicep lightly. at my touch he flinched ever so slighty and his face heated up with color " dont mention it" he murmured before collectiong the bag containing our food and walking back to his  car. i followed confused. micheal then drove us to what looked like a park reserve. he got oput of the car and ran to my side opening it and bowing his head extending his right arm "m' lady" he said with a fake posh british accent. i laughed before collectiin our food and stepping out. the weather in australia was beautiful. it reminded me of the time my family took a random spontaneous trip to california in the summer. it was magical but it was the last summer i would spend with my mom. i felt a sudden sadness creep over me as it all came flooding back. the accident , the funeral, the therapy sessions, the sleepless nights.....and him...luke...the monster who thought it was ok to exploit other peoples pain to make a point. i was jerked from this thought by micheal who had returned with a couple of big blankets."hey you ok?" i offered him a warm smile "yeah just thinking" michael and i laid down the blankets and spread all our snacks around us and took a seat. "so karla" michael started "tell me about yourself" "well" i began "im 17, i live with my father , my mother died about 7 months ago, ive never had a boyfriend or been kissed and someday i wanna travel the world play piano like alicia keys" i finshed with a smile " ok now you" i said turning my full body to micheal he bit his lip in thought before saying "ok im michael gordon clifford, also 17, i hate tomatoes and i love to dye my hair, i am an only child and i play in a band with my two best mates ashton and calum and someday i wanna travel the world with them playing for thousands" he finished " wow" i said " its just my first week here and already you know more about me than anyone here" i laughed michael smirked and said " i hope this wont be my only opportunity to" he looked at me seriously and i found myself leaning in at the same time he was. now weather it was a wake up call from god or a curse from the demons below we were both interupted before our lips could meet by the sprinklers turning on. " my hair!" michael screamed jumping up, i laughed before we collected our things and got back into the car. neither of us mentioning what had almost taken place.michael drove back to my house without a word being spoken between us.he stole little glances at me here and there none of which i returned but a small smirk playing on my lips as he pulled into my driveway. " thanks michael for everything!" i said before grabbing my bag and opening my door. "hey karla" i felt michael pulling my arm slightly and as i turned to inquire what it was he wanted his lips met mine. as quickly as it strated it was over. he sat back running his hand through his hair slightly embarrased " at least now you can say youve been kissed" he smiled. i smiled touching th pklace his lips just were before getting out of the car and rushing inside my house. as soon as i closed the front door i sank down against it because as nice as michael was.....i wished he was luke.

A/N: ok so i know im dragging this story pretty slow and im so sorry its just im a sucker for detail but i promise this is going somewhere. also landon will be making an appearance alot i promise i just had a great idea to add michael in this original plot but please let me know how you are liking the story and go follow my baby love/fave author/friend/fave luke girl @ohemmo and then follow my twitter @mikeycliffucked...k bye

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