Chapter 11: Just say yes

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Luke's POV:

I can't believe landon, he knew how I felt about Karla and because I had one mishap he decides to take her away from me. ok sure I already lost her as soon as I said those words to her in the lunchroom the other day, but how was I supposed to act? it was either that or I grab her and kiss her face off in the middle of that cafeteria.

I'm known around town for being a rebel and dating girls that wear fishnet stockings with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths. not beautiful girls that wear rose colored headbands and flowery print shirts. it seems that as soon as Karla showed up I haven't been myself and that scared me. I now knew however that if I wanted any chance with her I would need to act fast. landon was as good as in with her and I couldn't afford to lose her completely.


Karla's POV

I sat on my bed listening to music to drown out my thoughts. I didn't move here for more complications, I moved here to start over and that's exactly what I intended to do. I wouldn't talk to landon or Luke or Michael or even ashton until I had resolved things within myself. I glanced over at the picture on my bedside table, it was me and my mom at my 8th birthday party I was on a pony and she was standing next to it holding a lead. I held the picture tightly to my chest and did the one thing I hadn't done in almost a year, the one thing that was long overdue, cried.

I had barely cried myself to sleep when I was awoken by a rustling outside my trees followed by a stream of soft curses and a thud against my window. alarmed I threw off my blanket grabbed my old softball bat and started towards my window. I threw back the curtains and held up my bat ready to defend myself when I was met with Luke. I knew it was him because his blue eyes were dark and cold while landons were bright and friendly. "Luke!" I exclaimed putting down the bat. "what the hell are you doping here?" I glanced at the clock "and at this time of night?" Luke hung on to the tree outside my bedroom window and said fearfully "id like to explain but first can I please place my feet on solid ground first?"

I helped Luke into my room quietly knowing my dad would freak out if he came in and saw Luke in my room. as Luke steadied himself I took in his appearance. he wore plaid pajama bottoms that were hung low on his waist and a black singlet that had risen up showing off his v-line. I forced my eyes up to take in his disheveled appearance, his normally quiffed hair was strewn all around his head and his eyes had a sleepy but sad look to them.

Luke noticed me checking him out and smirked " you done checking me out?" I blushed ferociously I patted the seat next to me and Luke took it. he blew out a big gust of air before speaking looking me directly in the eye. "Karla I haven't been able to eat, sleep or function these last couple days. all I can think about is how wrong I have treated you and it isn't right. I had no right to bring up your mom or anything of that nature, especially not in front of everyone. you have all the right in the world to never talk to me again but I hope we can be friends. I really really really really want to be your friend." Luke looked at me with the utmost plea in his eye. I looked at Luke with my mouth agape "Luke, im not sure what to say after that whole speech" I told him in slight disbelief that Luke hemmings bad boy of Sydney had come begging for my forgiveness.

Luke grabbed hand and brought it to his lips and leaned in real close to my ear whispering the words "just say yes."

I pondered it for a moment before I knew what was best for me, I knew what I deserved and what would set my heart free from confusion so I smiled at Luke and said " ok Luke ill be your friend but this is your last chance"

Luke looked like had won a million dollars as he leapt up from the bed exclaiming "YES!!!!!" "LUKE!" I yelped as I ran to cover his mouth. "my father is sleeping" I gestured to the hall. Luke covered his mouth and giggled before grabbing me up into a hug "thank you so much Karla" he whispered into my hair" you don't understand how much this means to me to have your complete forgiveness" I smiled and nodded as Luke climbed out of my window. before descending down the tree he turned to me winked and said goodnight. lord idk what to do with that boy

whew! ok so this is really bad and I apologize I rushed to get an update out here but here it is. I hope you guys like the whole POV changes I decided to do some of the chapters from different characters POV but don't worry it wont just be karla and luke's POV ;) I will properly plan out the next chapter and that should be up sometime this week but yeah don't forget to follow my social medias and I may follow back if you ask


twitter: lovexovibes

love you guys and thanks for reading my story it means alot

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