chapter 7: I hate Luke Hemmings

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A/n: ok so I updated tonight but I'll be updating tomorrow (tuesday) as well but I know this is a shit chapter but my bff wouldn't stop talking to me about Sam pottorff and other shit so I couldn't focus so yeah sorry This chapter is shit btw i dedicated this to my best friend kari whoi is obsessed with sam pottorff and kian lawley so go check out her sam pottorff smut and send her love...k bye

The first part of the day went by pretty fast but all I could think of was getting home, you would think being from america would make a person more interesting but all people did was make me aware of how different I was. The lunch bell rang after 3rd period and I grabbed my stuff and bolted from the classroom preparing to sit in a bathroom stall and cry. I turned the corner and ran into someone, my books flying everywhere. "I'm so sorry" I exclaimed right as the person mumbled a "watch where the hell you're going" I threw a shocked look yo the person and looked straight into the eyes of Luke. "I said I was sorry..." I said. Luke just rolled his eyes at me walking away pausing only to kick one of my scattered textbooks so it was further out of my reach.  I felt the eyes of the whole hallway on me and in that moment I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. I fought not to let the tears escape my eyes as I thought back to what I could have done to make someone be so damn cruel to me. I saw the familiar blond quiff and polo shirt bend down to collect my books. I thanked landon and stood up. He looked at me with eyes that were mixed with understanding, concern and pity. "My brother can be very awful at times and for that I apologize." He wrapped me into a hug and walked us down the hall towards the cafeteria, his arm never leaving from around my shoulders. The gesture made me both uncomfortable but also protected. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea but I felt almost comforted in his arms. "Karla!" I heard someone shouting down the hall excitedly. Landon and I turned to see aleisha running down the hallway. "Hey I was hoping you would wanna sit at my table today at lunch, unless you're busy..." she trailed off, her eyes focusing on Landon then switching to his arm placed around my shoulder And ending with his hand clutching the top of my arm. "Oh" I said shrugging landons  arm off of me, "no it's fine, landon was just leaving, right?" I looked up expectantly "uh...yeah...right..." he trailed off before going to find his friends. Aleisha grabbed my arm before steering me over to a table of unfamiliar faces except one kid I had  seen in my history class. They all called out excited greetings to aleisha. "Guys meet karla, she just moved here from America! " aleisha said the word America as though it was a mystic kingdom far away or something. The table consisted of two girls Bethany and camila and three boys Michael niall and Ashton the kid from my history class. Niall just like me had moved internationally he was from Ireland. I took a seat by him and all the questions started to roll in. "OMG do you know obama?" Camila asked "how many celebrities numbers do you have?" Michael excitedly asked knocking over Ashton's juice in the process "how many cheeseburgers can you eat in one sitting?" Niall piped up earning him a confused stare from everyone else at the table?  "What?" he asked shrugging "I heard America is like cheeseburger capitol of the world.." aleisha rolled her eyes laughing and said "guys it's her first day let's leave her alone shall we?" "So karla" Bethany started " how was your first day? Met any cute Aussie boys?" My mind went back to one cute Aussie boy with blond hair, tattoos and cold blue eyes in particular. "No" I sighed" so far I've managed to get knocked to the ground and yelled at on my first day" I said feeling the tears swell up again. Ashtons ears perked up, " by who?" "Luke hemmings" I waved off, but at the mention of Luke's name Ashton face turned white with anger he balled his fist and walked over to me dragging me up by my arm and despite the protest of Michael and aleisha he walked/pulled me over to a table bear the back of the cafeteria at the sight if the inhabitants sitting there I began to rethink this whole thing. The guys were all tatted up with ripped clothing and cigarettes in their mouth and the girls wore dark eyeliner with tatted arms and ripped stockings they all wore scowls on their face and sitting amongst the motley crue was Luke. As we approached the all turned our way except for luke who was engaged in conversation with a girl with piercings all down her ears wearing shorts that surely looked like underwear. "Hemmings!" Ashton yelled "Ashton" I hurridley wispered "please tell me what you're doing" Luke turned around his eyes found me looking like I'd rather be anywhere else but here and they traveled to ashtons muscular arm clutching my tiny one. At that sight Luke's face changed from amusement to anger " let her go" Luke said with force "I came here for you to apologize not give me orders hemmings"  Ashton spat. "Apologize? To you irwin? I don't think so" Luke scoffed "no not to me you inconsiderate dick, to her"  Ashton said shaking me slightly. Luke's face often slightly before filling with indifference. "I have nothing to apologize for" Luke said before turning back to the girl he was talking to. Ashton had let go of me by now and looked as though he wanted to rip Ashton throat out. "You knocked her down and then yelled at her!" Ashton practically screamed and by now the entire cafeteria was watching us. Luke turned around and got to his feet "excuse me but if she was watching where she was walking it wouldn't have happened, she is just some annoying girl who thinks because she is from.America that she is cool or that we all care. Go back to your mummy and cry about it." At the mention of my mother Luke's face changed I felt as though the room was spinning, i couldn't believe Luke had just said that. He knew about my mom yet here in front of the entire cafeteria he taunted me. "Karla i-I'm so sorry i-" I walked over to luke And silenced him with a slap to the face and ran out of the cafeteria. I ran all the way to the girls restroom, locked myself in a stall and cried. My mom would have known how to handle this, she always had an answer for everything. She would tell me how to handle this. I made up my mind that I hated Australia and I hated Luke hemmings even more.

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