I Love You, Danny Pink (Clara's POV)

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Set at the end of the caretaker after the sofa scene at the end

For a man who has fought in cold hard wars, Danny Pink is incredibly huggable.

I lay in his arms, my head on his chest, watching random tea time tv. This is perfect. This moment. Right now. Perfect.

"Clara?" He says. I look up into his dark brown eyes "I'm sorry... For being so harsh earlier... It's just a lot to take in you know... That your girlfriend is out time traveling with her space dad and whatnot" The doctor is not my dad.

"How many times..."

"I know I know" he laughs, I giggle, he is smiling. I love when he smiles. It lights up his whole face like a Christmas tree. It's beautiful.

"Clara..." He says again "earlier when you said you loved me... Did... Did you mean it?" Is he crazy?

"Of course I did" I reply "how could you think that I didn't?"

"I just thought... Maybe... In the heat of the moment..." He gives me that cheeky smile I love so much.

"No of course I mean it, I love you Danny"

"I love you too Clara, I didn't say it before. But I do." I feel my heart flutter as he says those words.

"I'm not sure if I believe you" I say feeling a smirk creep it's way on to my face

"Oh really?" He says, also smirking, "would you like me to prove it?" He holds me closer to him.

"Yes." I lean my head towards his and he does the same, we both smile into the kiss. I really do love him.

For a man who has fought in cold hard wars, Danny Pink is incredibly kissable.

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