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He grabbed a woman, holding onto her as she screamed. "Slow down, slow down, relax. What's your name? Heather?" Listen to me. You see that guy? I'm gonna swing by, you're just gonna grab him. You got it?"

"What? Ahhhh!" She yelled again as Tony flew off after him.

"I'll electrify your arm, you won't be able to open your hand. We can do this, Heather." He brought her down and she grabbed his hand. "Easy, see? Eleven more to go."

He went from person to person, and each of them continued to grab onto each other's hands.

"Remember that game called Barrel of Monkeys? That's what we're gonna do."

"18,000 feet." Jarvis informed him.

"Come on, people! Everyone, grab your monkey!"

"10,000 feet."


"6,000 feet."

"Come on, people!" They all continued to lock hands or grab on anyway they could. "Come on, come on, come on!"

There was one person left. "1,000 feet."

Tony flew after him as fast as he could.

"400 feet." Jarvis continued. "200 feet, sir!"

"He's a tricky monkey. Let's get him." He swooped down and someone grabbed him. "Hello."

He let out a shaky breath as he brought them all up seconds from touching the water. He then proceeded to slow them all down and brought them into the water safely. They were all fine and cheering.

"Nice work, guys! Excellent. Good team effort all around. Go us. Alright, Jarvis. But, it's only half done. We've still got Pepper—" He was interrupted as he flew into an oncoming semi on the highway, and the armor parts scattered everywhere. "Phew, that came out of nowhere."

"Give me some good news, man." Rhodey opened the door to the bathroom where Tony had been controlling the suit from.

"I think they all made it." He nodded.

"Oh, thank God."

"Yeah, but I missed the President." Tony sighed.

"You couldn't save the President with the suit, how are we gonna save Pepper with nothing?"

"Uh, say, Jarvis, is it that time?" Tony asked.

"The House Party Protocol, sir?" Jarvis asked.

"Correct." He nodded.

The President was transported to Killian at the Roxxon Norco via the Iron Patriot armor. Meredith watched from afar, seeing that suit flying into where she assumed Killian and Pepper were. Pepper witnessed this, as Killian had come to talk to her. She realized then that she was more than just leverage for Tony and Meredith, she was his trophy.

Tony and Rhodey found their way to the location, meeting up with Meredith. She left the suit in a safe place, knowing that until all three of them could access their suits, stealth was the best course of action. The climbed onto the platform. They snuck around, always checking over their shoulders. They climbed up a ladder and waited until their pathway was clear before they ran to the next spot. Tony made Meredith go first so he could keep an eye on her. The three of them had the guns they took as weapons. "You're not gonna freak out on me, right?"

"I hope not." He replied. Meredith knew he'd be fine. It seemed he only got concerned when New York was brought up, and when he's overwhelmed. With the reassurance of bringing the Iron Legion our, he should feel fine. They continued to make their way towards the commotion, trying to get where Meredith had seen the Iron Patriot armor go before, assuming that's where Pepper is. They peaked around a corner at all the lights that were being faced in the same direction.

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