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They all met back up at the same time, removing their Quantum suits. They looked around at each other. "Did we get them all?" Bruce asked. The promise he made to the Ancient One was tremendous, but he was confident in himself and everyone else. They could do this, they had to. Or, like Tony said, they would make it all worse than Thanos had.

Meredith turned to see Tony. She grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug. "I saw Dad."

"What? Really?"

"I talked to him. Mom was pregnant with me. I wish you were there. He said that there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for either of us. He didn't know it was me, though. I just thought you would want to know." He told her as he continued to hold her tightly. She pulled away and smiled at him.

"I'm so thankful you made it back..." She paused, then turned to see Steve next to her. She let out a sigh of relief and pulled him into a tight hug, also. He kissed her head as he held her there. "You are in so much trouble."

"I made it back, didn't I?" He smirked at her. She shook her head at him, and he pulled the picture out of his pocket. "I brought this back for you. I know you've always wanted to see me before the Super Soldier Serum since there aren't many pictures."

She examined it. "I would've loved you anyways, no matter how you looked. I hope you know that... Where'd you get it?"

"Peggy's office." He answered quietly, and she wore an unreadable expression.

"Are you telling me this actually worked?" Rhodey grinned once he removed his helmet. They all turned and looked when they heard someone hit the floor. It was Clint, and they realized Natasha wasn't with him. Their gleeful expression fell.

"Clint, where's Nat?" Bruce asked as he took a single step forward. Meredith's heart began to thump in her chest quickly. He was silent, and they all looked down at their shoes. Meredith shook her head. He looked so desolate. She knew how close they were. Bruce collapsed to be ground, and a couple of tears fell out of Meredith's eyes. It felt like so long for them, but in reality, she was there one minute and gone the next. The words she said replayed in her head, her excited expression. See you in a minute. She just couldn't stop thinking about her face and how she was so happy to finally have a chance at getting everyone back. It was all she wanted. Steve grabbed her and pulled her into his arms as she cried. She couldn't help but be an emotional person. She always was; though, she always wished she could be more like Natasha when it came to emotions. But, she was one of her best friends and she couldn't just feel nothing. She couldn't believe she was gone. She was the only person aside from Pepper and Tony who knew she was pregnant. She was supposed to be at their wedding, she was supposed to be their child's aunt. She was supposed to be there and get her happy ending like the rest of them after they brought everyone back. All she wanted was to see their family again, the rest of the Avengers, but now she was gone. She was never going to know... she was never going to know that they won.

They went out and sat on the dock near the compound, just to get some peace and some fresh air. Tony let Pepper know they made it back and were successful, but not without the cost of Natasha's life. They were all devastated. None of them knew that would be the last time they'd see her. "Do we know if she had family?"

"Yeah. Us." Steve replied as he stared down at his hands. He toyed with them, not sure what to do with himself. Natasha was a good friend to him. She was to all of them, and they just hoped she knew that she wasn't only the assassin they made her. She was good, and if it weren't for her, they wouldn't be able to bring everyone back. It was such a noble thing that she did. Meredith wasn't sure, if she were put in the same situation, whether or not she'd be able to make that sacrifice. It was bold and heroic.

Heartlines | Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now