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As an alarm began to go off, they all looked around. Okoye pulled up a holographic diagram of the earth. "Something's entered the atmosphere."

"Hey, Cap, we got a situation here." Sam said over their comms as he watched the exterrestrial spaceship fall straight towards Bucky, Rhodey, and him as they stood outside. He jumped back as it exploded against the protective forcefield.

"God, I love this place." Bucky grinned up at the explosion.

"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome." Rhodey advised, and they all watched out the windows as they landed by the forcefield.

"It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now." Vision demanded as he attempted to sit up.

"Vision, get your ass back on the table." Natasha demanded as she made her way over to him and pushed him back down.

"We will hold them off." T'Challa said determinedly.

"Wanda, as soon as that stone's out of his head, you blow it to hell." Steve eyed her closely. Everyone was beginning to leave the room, preparing for battle.

"I will." She nodded, tears filling her eyes as she worried about all of their fates.

"What if I stayed and helped?" Meredith suggested to Steve, then looked over at Shuri. "Could I stay and help?"

"Sure, I could show you what to do. I'm positive you'd do an excellent job at it." Shuri nodded quickly.

"We need her on the battlefield. Otherwise, the enemy might get to you." He told her. Shuri understood. Meredith realized just how cold he was after these few years. He was a completely different man it seemed, and although his longer hair and beard made him look a lot more attractive, it was an obvious physical indication that he didn't have the same morals and goals as before.

"I'm going to get started, good luck to you all." She bid them farewell.

"Nice meeting you!" Meredith called as they all rushed out.

"Evacuate the city, engage all defenses." T'Challa ordered. He paused and looked back at Steve. "And get this man a shield."

As they stepped outside, they all watched as Meredith tapped the Arc Reactor on her chest twice, and her suit began to slowly trickle around her and form itself

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As they stepped outside, they all watched as Meredith tapped the Arc Reactor on her chest twice, and her suit began to slowly trickle around her and form itself. It was smoother and a more advanced design. It fit her body perfectly and allowed her to move easily. The helmet formed lastly and closed itself over her head. As soon as it finished, it powered up and the eyes lit up blue. "That was incredible." Steve remarked to himself, but she heard him.

"I told you you'd like it." She replied, a smirk evident in her voice. She flew forward with Sam and Rhodey as the rest that couldn't fly traveled another way. She instantly got ahead of them, as she always flew faster. She also called in the HulkBuster suit for Bruce to wear so he could at least contribute in some way. "I've got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line."

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