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"Please welcome Meredith and Tony Stark to the stage!" The announcer said as cheers and applause filled their ears. They stepped out onto the stage from the side, mics pinned on their shirts. Once again, it was time for another MIT Alumni Honors presentation. This year, they asked for it to be from Meredith. She had Tony come with her, anyways.

"Since all of you obviously already know who we are, we'll skip the introductions." Meredith began with a wide smile, earning laughter from the crowd. The Starks' smug attitude was either something people loved or hated.

"My sister and I have been working on something incredible, but it's been more so her baby than mine. Many of you may know that Colonel Rhodes, War Machine and fellow Avenger, took a fall after an accident during the fight to catch the team of rogue used-to-be-Avengers. That left him paralyzed. Until we worked together to create some highly functional leg braces." Tony explained as he walked around on stage leisurely. He didn't have to act a certain way on stage or beg for the attention. Everyone in that room was entranced by the fact that they were being spoken to by Iron Man and Iron Woman.

"When Colonel Rhodes walks now, it feels like normal. He's not able to tell a difference. It's almost like he has his legs back, like nothing ever happened. Now, the braces are a bit bulky, but bare with us. This set is only one of the first of several models. The way they work is, the technology targets the nerves with a specific type of electrical shock that's strong enough to detect by the brain, giving the legs ability to move." Meredith continued.

"We hope to have the first of many models launched by next year, and we'll be donating many, many pairs to people in need once they're ready. And don't worry; Like my sister said, we'll be working on making them a little less bulky and a little more stylish." Tony grinned, and the crowd clapped, giving them a standing ovation. The technology the two of them created and had access to was revolutionary. All of those students only wished they could have their amount of resources, which is mainly why the two Starks were there. To give them a chance.

"Rhodey is one of our dear friends, which is why we want to do everything in our power to help him walk effortlessly and efficiently again. I'm sure some of you all would like to do the same. You're motivated by something in your life, we all are. Once again, all of you in the crowd are equal recipients of the September Foundation Grant! I want more than anything for all of you to have the opportunity I have to change the lives of people who need it most." She spoke, and they all cheered. "Thank you, everyone, for your support. It's been great to be here in Boston tonight to give you all this presentation! We hope to help as many lives as we possibly can with this. Now, go, and make change in someone's life!"

"That went great, you two!" Pepper exclaimed from the side stage as they stood there, having their mics removed.

"I agree." Meredith nodded. She let out a breath of air with a smile, happy to make a change in those peoples' lives. She was all about change nowadays, it seemed. Change secretly scared her, but she's been trying her best to see it as something with a more auspicious aspect.

"Welp, 2017 MIT Alumni Honors down, think we can just keep coming back every year?" Tony glanced over at Meredith with an amused look as he wrapped his arm around Pepper's waist. They made their way out through the back of the facility where Happy was with the car.

It'd been a little over a year since the events regarding Helmut Zemo and the Sokovia Accords happened, and everyone was feeling okay again. Were the Avengers one big mess? Yes. But, individually, they were all okay, somewhat. Meredith had been doing mission after mission, finding ways to preoccupy herself, and when she wasn't doing that, she was at Stark Industries, or in the lab. She hardly found the time to sleep, and it was extremely unhealthy. The Accord Panel was continuously finding missions for her, which would take her not even a day to complete. Sometimes she'd show up, and the mission would already be partially complete or nothing would even be of urgency. Tony hadn't really put the suit back on other than for unnecessary situations considering his eccentricity. After he signed the Accords, Pepper found herself able to be with Tony again, just like he'd hoped. Meredith was back to the single life, which took some adjusting, but she was okay with it. Just like before, she wanted no distractions. Not one. That enabled her to focus on her work at Stark Industries and for the Avengers. She was, once again, considered one of the most influential and top grossing inventors and philanthropists in the world. It felt nice to be back on top and in the swing of things.

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