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Everything went quickly in the morning. Steve woke her up at seven on the dot, and she carefully got out of bed, putting on some comfortable clothes. A gray tank top and a pair of leggings would do the trick. After all, she'd be spending most of her time in the suit anyways. As she was in the bathroom, working on pulling her dark, silky, straight hair into a perfect ponytail, Steve walked up behind her. For some reason, it seemed he really liked to do that. He watched her in the mirror a moment before she cleared her throat. "What?"

"Nothing." He shrugged. "Just admiring you."

She rolled her eyes with an amused smile on her lips. "Get lost, Rogers."

"I could never when it comes to you

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"I could never when it comes to you." He leaned around and pecked her lips quickly.

They headed out at eight like they said, Meredith and Tony flying ahead of the Quinjet. Once they arrived, Strucker had already gotten word. They were serious, they should've known they weren't getting in there unnoticed.

They landed the Quinjet on the outskirts like Steve wanted, Meredith and Tony helping them out as they already began to move in towards the city. Natasha hijacked one of their military vehicles and drove while Clint used his incredible skills to shoot the enemies. Thor's hammer defied all odds of physics as he fought off enemies. Steve drove through the snowy forest on his motorcycle, grabbing an enemy and dragging them across the ground. He used his strength to throw the man before bouncing his shield off a couple of trees and taking out the enemies in his way. He made a hard turn to avoid an oncoming vehicle, which the Hulk grabbed and threw. Meredith and Tony fought back to back with their repulsors and all new updated technology. Clint and Natasha continued to drive through the forest, fighting alongside all their friends. Nat jerked the wheel as they approached a barricade. They jumped out of the vehicle, and in one, swift and epic moment, all of the Avengers lined up as they crossed over the barricade and into battle.

"Mer, let's head for the base

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"Mer, let's head for the base."

"Gotcha." She replied quickly as she flew after Tony and through the trees. They were trying to fire at them, but they easily avoided it. Meredith always flew faster than Tony, so she was the one who ended up bumping into the barrier around the base. "Shit!"

Heartlines | Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now