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Steve and Sam headed to Bucharest, to a little apartment which they followed Bucky back to. When Steve arrived, he took a look around. There was newspapers covering all the windows, a couple of dirty dishes lying around. He grabbed a journal off the top of the fridge. A picture of him fell out of it. He was trying to recall his memories. Nothing about this was adding up.

"Heads up, Cap. German special forces approaching from the south." Sam informed him as he was on the lookout.

"Understood." Steve replied. After a moment, he turned and looked to see Bucky standing there. He looked... normal. But, then again, how else was he supposed to look? He didn't know what to expect. "Do you know me?"

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." Bucky breathed out nervously as they stood there looking at each other. Steve was doing his best to be gentle. It didn't seem HYDRA had control of him, though. Not at the moment. It made no sense that he would be behind the bombing in Vienna, or Rumlow's act. If HYDRA had control of him, why'd he have his own apartment here? With dirty dishes a fridge with some food? HYDRA didn't let him be a person, they didn't let him live. They confined him to a cage and made him a ruthless and heartless soldier.

"They've set the perimeter." Sam warned him. Steve set the journal down and took a couple of steps closer to him. He wasn't trying to push or make him uncomfortable. He had to take his time because he wasn't sure who he was talking to.

"I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But, you're lying." He shook his head. He was trying to make sure he was careful with his every move. He didn't want to potentially set him off. But, it didn't make any sense that he was saying these things. According to his journal, he knew who he was and not because of a museum.

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore." He told him, hoping he'd believe him. He was holding out on what he knew. Everything had come back to him. He remembered everything he and Steve had been through. And he remembered exactly what HYDRA had put him through. But, he was still hesitant. Though, he knew his only chance at this point was to trust what he thought he knew about Steve, considering the trouble he was in. His mind was in shambles, he didn't know what was real and what wasn't.

"They're entering the building." Sam's voice came over their comms. Steve let out a sigh. He had to get Bucky out of there and fast— but he wasn't sure how to make him trust him, after everything he's been put through. He didn't know what state he was in, and he was completely unable to tell what he was thinking.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." Steve spoke more urgently, now.

"That's smart. Good strategy." Bucky nodded, dismissing his concern. Steve was getting a little irritated. He just wanted to see Bucky safe and out of harms way.

"They're on the roof. I'm compromised." Sam told him.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck." Steve frowned, watching him closely.

He sighed before beginning to take his gloves off. "It always ends in a fight."

"Five seconds!" Sam advised.

"You pulled me from the river! Why?" He raised his voice, trying to get it out of him that he really did remember.

"I don't know." He breathed out shakily, but he knew the truth.

"Three seconds."

"Yes you do." Steve argued.

"Breach, breach!" Sam yelled. A grenade flew through the window, and Steve knocked it away with his shield. Another came through the other window, and Bucky kicked it over to him. He placed his shield over top of it, containing the blast. Bucky threw the kitchen table, lodging it tightly between the walls of the entrance. A couple of agents came in through the already busted windows. They worked together to take them out, but Bucky was always more harsh. Steve still didn't think he had control of himself. After they took them out, Steve grabbed him.

Heartlines | Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now