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You fixed your hair behind your ear, eyes fixated on the computer screen before you. You were editing one of the last Smosh sketches that would be uploaded before they left to film summer games.

You sighed at the thought of all of them leaving, who would you talk to while they're gone? Courtney, Olivia and Mari probably wouldn't have any signal up in the mountains, leaving a month of loneliness for you to try and fill.

If only you could go with them. Editing the previous summer and winter games and seeing them have a ton of fun kind of made you jealous, too bad you were only the editor.

Tapping your pen on the desk along to a beat while you tried to chop some scenes together, you heard Anthony call your name. "Coming!" You called back, taking your headphones off of your head and walking to his office.

"Yeah, Ant?" You questioned when you walked in the room, he was sitting with Ian, no surprise there. They were probably making last minute decisions with summer games.

"It seems that our teams for summer are uneven," He starts, your heart began to race. Could this mean...? "So, Ian and I were wondering if you wanted to come?"

You felt your heart rise to your throat as a huge smile spread across your face. "Of course!" You answered with excitement, "This will be so much fun!" They chuckled at your childishness, "It only seemed right since you're not a stranger to any of us." Ian added, and you nodded in agreement.

"Thanks so much you guys." You smiled at them, "Of course," Anthony shrugged, "We leave this weekend." Nodding, you left the room.

As soon as you were sure you were out of sight, you did a little happy dance. This was the first time you were invited to a Smosh family outing and you were more than ecstatic!

"Woah, Y/n. What's got you so excited?" It was Courtney's voice, and you whipped around to look at her. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment knowing she caught your little happy dance, "Well Court Bort, guess who's going to summer games with you!"

She smiled widely, "No way!" You laughed. "Yes way!" Courtney embraced you with a tight hug, "Finally! I can't wait until you're on camera, you're hilarious, the audience will love you!"

Your stomach dropped, oh right, you'll be in front of a camera. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous now, "Oh no, Courtney. What if they actually don't like me? What if they think I'm weird and quiet?" You stressed, but Courtney reassured you.

"You'll be fine, n/n. As soon as the fans get to know you and your personality, I won't be surprised if you become a favourite." You smiled at her words, calming down slightly. "Thanks Court, I really needed that."

"Anytime." She said, pulling you into a tight hug. You took the hug gratefully, rubbing her back in thanks. "You get down on yourself, y/n. You know you're amazing." You took the compliment, "Alright, Courtney, stop sweet talking me now." You laughed.

     She laughed along with you, "I'm excited to leave weekend, I'm so glad I get to spend this month with you and not leave you behind again." You were so lucky to have a best friend like Courtney, she didn't want to leave you out of things, but you didn't want her to feel bad when she had to.

      "Me too, a month without my babe is way too long." You dramatically longed the y in 'way', resting your hand on your head as if you were swooning. Courtney shoves you with a laugh, "We should get back to work, I'll catch up with you later." Nodding at her, you both went back to your desk jobs.


      It felt as if the rest of the week was a blur. You were already on the travel bus on the way to the campsite, your obvious choice of who it sit beside was Courtney, while Olivia and Mari sat together in the row beside you.

      Joven sat in front of you, holding a camera to your face. "This everybody, is Y/n!" He introduced you and you couldn't help but to try and cover your face, "Joven, stop!" You protested with a slight laugh, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Joven didn't listen obviously as he continued.

      "She will be joining us as a new member for this years games, isn't that exciting?" You weren't sure if he was talking to you or the camera, but you piped in anyway. "Yes, very exciting. Now get the camera out of my face!" You laughed, halfheartedly shoving the camera away from you.

      After a few more jokes and laughs, Sunny told everyone they had arrived to the campsite. After getting off one by one and a lot of gruelling and groaning, you all managed to get into your assigned cabins. You four girls, Noah, Shayne and Keith. Basically Smosh family and Smosh games were separated, with the exception of Mari since she wanted to stay with you girls.

      "Dibs on bottom bunk!" You shouted, throwing your suitcase on the bed. "Bottom bunk?" Shayne questioned, standing beside you. "Yeah, I'm not down to climb down a ladder every morning." You answered.

      It seemed to click with Shayne, "Shit, you're right that would be better." As he looked around for a bottom bunk, it seemed like all of the beds were occupied, even the tops, except for yours.

      Shayne turned back around slowly, "Well, looks like we're bunk buddies." He smiled at you. You chuckled a bit, "I don't mind, as long as you're not a bedwetter." You joked, making him laugh along.

      About an hour later, everyone seemed to be settled into the cabins as it hit nightfall. You and the other girls piled into a bathroom, peacefully brushing your teeth, washing your faces and getting changed into pyjama's.

      You felt comfortable enough around the whole squad to wear whatever you wanted to bed, and with the heat being your deciding factor, you chose a pair of shorts and a tank top.

      Throwing your hair into a loose ponytail, you made your way back to your room. With a yawn and a stretch, you got into your bed, wrapping up in some blankets and snuggling in.

      "Goodnight, guys." You called out, receiving good nights back, you smiled warmly. You were excited to start filming tomorrow.

Bunk Buddies |Shayne Topp x Reader| |✓|Where stories live. Discover now