Chapter 5 (Benjamin's P.O.V.)

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As we were walking back to the Lewis' house, I asked,

"So, where do you go to school?"

"I'm actually homeschooled." she said, with a defiant look on her face.

"Really?" I exclaimed, "But your family isn't a bunch of hippies, or weirdos."

"Hey! Barely any homeschoolers fit that description!" she practically yelled, " Ben, you're so narrow-minded."

"Hey, you called me 'Ben' again. That's the second time." I noticed.

"Oh, sorry," she said, "I could call you something else if you'd rather..."

"No." I replied a bit quicker than I intended, "Okay, from now on you, and only you may call me Ben."

"Nobody's ever called you 'Ben' before?" Shaliene questioned.

"Nope. I've always been either, 'little Benny' to my mom and family, or Benjamin to my father, or Benjamin Smith to our business associates."

"What about your friends?" Shaliene asked.

"The people I hung out with in school weren't real friends. To them I was 'The Benjamin Smith,' the kid everyone wanted to be friends with." I recalled a bit sadly.

"Alright, I have a proposition." Shaliene said, as she stopped walking and turned towards me, "I will call you Ben, and only Ben, if you only call me Shay."

"Deal." I said holding out my hand to shake.

"Great," she said as she shook it. "I have a feeling you and me will become good friends."

As I shook hands with this girl that I had barely known for more than an hour, I couldn't help but agree with her. This is a girl that I really want to get to know. I thought to myself. 

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