Chapter 6 bullies being dumb

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A few days later

What Renato hadn't told both boys was that Cielo would be going to the same school. They both yelled, seeing them faces; it was a huge surprise to them but a happy one.

The others laughed at Izuku when hearing the teacher scolding him.

"Hah, Quirkless people should stay quiet and not disrupting the others."

Cielo eyes shadowed, around him was an eerie aura. The laughing stopped as all looked at him shocked that someone cute like him could make this aura.

"Minna, I am Cielo Sinclair. I love sweets, and I love Izu-chan. but what I hate the most are people who are bullying the weak nice to meet you all."

His voice icy cold, the dark colored eyes shone bright orange. Everyone had a shiver ran through their spine. Izuku sweatdropped at the antics of his friends at the same time he was still happy about it.

One of the people glared hatefully at the person who introduced himself. As his lips changed into a smirk was evil as the glint as well. That person had no good intention. Cielo noticed the glare but wasn't paying attention to it.

They still got picked by others, but failed. Cielo always protected the green boy, not letting anyone near them. Now it was days after, and these people still hadn't learned. It was annoying. His HI pricked made him let out a painful yelp. He knew a storm was brewing. Their bond strong, and whenever one of them was in distress, they felt it.

Cielo found out what it was that he had seen that day. It wasn't a quirk but a sky attribute. They were happy about it and yet it was not precisely the same. He wasn't sure what was different nor Renato, which was rare. So they trained together and met every day.

Both son and father were impressed by Izuku's resolve. They knew he would get stronger soon. It wasn't a surprise as both Cielo and Izuku personality-wise were so similar, almost scary. Izuku hadn't had a HI, but still, his instincts were sharp, the bond they shared was unique and no, he means no one will manage to destroy it.

Both weren't seen alone in school. The bullies couldn't bully the green hair boy like before. Every time they tried something, he would instantly butt in.  But this time it was different, Cielo had cleaning duty, Izuku told him he would be fine, a bit skeptic but he had trusted him. No one would dare to do something to the green haired boy, or would they?

An hour later he was finally finished his HI still making his head pound. Something was wrong...just so wrong. He didn't know what it was. So he walked straight home, headache just not getting away. A sigh escaped out of his mouth.

So as he entered his home, his sky flames latched to his father for comfort. The father walked up to him; it was rare; the only time Cielo was like that was when something was wrong.

"Let me guess your HI is reacting badly."

"No, hello? Geeze and yes, it's getting worse. Papa?"

The latter put his hand on the head and put sun flames in it, which made the headache get better.

"Yes, son?"

"Is Izuku with you? We promised that we would meet today, but he isn't here. I am worried."

His voice soft, eyes shown the worry in them as his lips were into a thin line.

"Tsk, I thought he was with you. I feel it as well something is going to happen."

It wasn't that his papa had a HI like him, but because he was a hitman, he could feel it as well when something is wrong.

"We better search than, I have an aweful feeling right now."

Both nodded and instantly walked out, deciding it would be faster to separate each other. So they both search on their own for the green haired boy, Izuku.

It took not too long for Cielo, as his instinct made him go somewhere. What he saw made his eyes widen, Izuku was fighting with three people.

Thanks to their training, he was a bit stronger, but it wasn't enough. He still was too weak, and so he had many bruises.

"Hah, you're weak. All you are punching back. This friend of yours probably will leave youre weakling soon."

Izuku let out a gasp; his eyes widen as tears slowly building up. Cielo's blood was boiling in anger as his eyes turned cold; the regular dark colored hair changed into a bright shade of Orange. He was pissed; it was the same three idiots he met before.

They will pay for making his friend cry. How could they say stuff like that, the worst part was that he felt from his bond with him that he agreed about it. Like he had done in the past, since this day, he still had some anxiety attacks. God, his friend, was so similar to him. He promised himself he would protect the green haired boy and that he would do.

"Hey! You're idiota's get away from him, or you will pay!"

His voice icy cold, blood lust rolling down on his. Eyes are glaring at the three boys. The boys shivered but just not caring; it seems that he will have to make them pay in vongola style. Izuku eyes turned to him; they had been surprised. The green eyes were shining brightly; it wasn't the same than with him. That was what they found out his eye color wasn't changing. And so he charged at them

Time skip because I can't write fighting scenes

It was a long fight all five people laid on the ground. The three idiots were unconscious as the other two laid next to each other. Silent, not saying a thing and they don't have to. The bond they share, making them communicate without words.

There was a sound, shoes clicking on the ground. His HI told him it was his father, so he wasn't moving just looking up at the sky. Cielo knew this would get scolding, but he couldn't care less about it.

"So let me guess you two fought against your bullies?"

That made both slowly sitting up, flinching at their injuries. Both grinned at him, not caring what the adult was thinking about that.

"Finally, took you long enough Izuku. I will take care of the parents. They can go to hell. These brats won't probably ever try to do something you two."

He gave his prominent smirk. Both shivered as they had the feeling that the training will double now.

Spartan tutor

Both thought at the same time, which led to the person having a wider smirk.

"What was that?"

"No-nothing papa/mr.sinclair."

Since their bond grew strong, it often happens that both said something at the same time. With that, it ended, the three got into detention for injured Izuku. Still, the bullying hadn't stopped but that was something the two couldn't care less about.

There we go. I hope you enjoyed it, oh I was thinking about bringing his guardians into this universe because why not. At first, I wasn't going to do, but I changed my mind. The next chapter will be a longer time skip so be prepared. Don't forget to vote when you liked it and with this Ja ne~

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