Chapter 19 the entrance exam

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Everything turned out rather well. The guardians at least behaved some, knowing too well what would happen when they wouldn't behave. The writing exam was the easy part for them, at least for the two of them. (The tutor of hell did teach them well, or should we say tortured them XD)

And the hard part came now with the quirk exams. Izuku was way too nervous, and it wasn't just him, but Cielo as well. Both let out a sigh at the same time. They told their guardians not to intervene as they needed to do that on their own.

"Alright, all GO!" (Don't remember what present mic said XD)

Some were stunned, and others made their way instantly, like the guardians and both boys as well. They went their way at least the guardians did, but the boys were inseparable, and so they were seen teaming up together. In the watch room, the people watching the whole thing are impressed at the group of Cielo and of course, as well the two boys.

All Might was proud of Izuku and Cielo as well. They both had great potential to be good Heroes. He knew of the group of Cielo from Renato and could tell that they are strong and had like the two others the potential to be Heroes.

Now back to our two cute cinnamon rolls. Right now, they got each 60 points just with the past 5 minutes, and it grew with each Robot they encountered. The others were on the same point length or almost. Hayato got 40, Takeshi par with the storm. The mist's had a bit more problems, but each wasn't too bad on it as well with 30 points. Ryohei with 45 points and Lambo had a bit more problems, but still managing to get 20 points. The cloud so far managed to point 55 points. It was clear why, as he was the strongest of all the guardians. The people watched in amazement at the group and all of them for sure would get into the hero course.

Now almost 50 minutes later, the people sweatdropped as they got the most of the points. The two boys with 220 more then All Might and Endeavor had when they have done the test. The others weren't that far behind with the storm and rain both again on par with 150. Ryohei got 155 points. The two mist's 100, Lambo 80 and the cloud with 180 points. Almost as the time limit was up, there was a scream of help. Obviously the two skies instantly ran towards the person who screamed and when they saw both widen their eyes. In front of them was Ochako who couldn't move because her foot was trapped because on her was a big stone. In front of her was a 0 Robot who was the biggest. Before Cielo could react, Izuku was jumping up and punching that Robot. Cielo rushed over to the girl and picked the stone away from her foot.

As he looked up he gaped as Cielo had both legs injured and one of his arms as well. His stomach dropped as he saw him falling down. He didn't want his crush to die yet. He instantly went to action using his fire and flying up catching Izuku. But because just both of his arms he lost his balance and falling down. He was so in a panic that he turned around that he would be hit first, after all, he didn't want Izuku to get killed.

"Tsunayoshi, Bossu, Tsuna, Tsuna-sama, little animal!"

//I am sorry everyone...//

He hugged Izuku more as he hugged him, but what he didn't expect was when he felt himself being float and no pain. His eyes slowly opened as he then fell on his butt blinking a few times.


"That was a close call. You two are really lucky that I did touch you fast enough."

He breathed out and looking down he frowns. It seems that one for all wasn't ready for him. This wasn't something he expected and it was making him feel worried and anxious.

"Thank you so much you rescued us there."

Giving her a small smile, but he wasn't really there as his mind was more on Izuku right now. When did he start again calling him Izuku instead of Izu-nii? It seems that he was way too occupied with his feelings that he didn't realize that he stopped giving him that nickname.

"Tsuna is he...alright?"

"Of course not Baseball freak, Izuku-sama broke his arms."

"Let me help him."

It seemed that Ryohei was serious after all he stopped his catchphrase. All Cielo glanced at him and then a small nod towards him. So he proceeds to walk up to both of them, with the other guardians all looking worried and gloomy or almost everyone. Mukuro and Kyoya were the only ones who seemed not really gloomy nor worried, but for the people who knew those two, they could see a glimmer in their eyes who showed that they are worried for the green-haired bundle of joy.

//I so will have a talk with All Might for that. How the hell didn't he explain to us that he would get himself that badly injured? I can't believe this...//

Around him formed a dark aura and everyone near them began to shiver when feeling it. The guardians knew whoever had pissed their sky off won't get uninjured out of it.

//Let's pray for the unfortunate soul who pissed Tsuna off...//

Everyone had the same thoughts and it was clear that they didn't want to feel the wrath of Tsuna. It took Ryohei a minute or two until he healed the boy up. But Izuku stayed unconscious and this was making him more worried. So he took Izuku and carried him away. The guardians stayed there not knowing how to react to it. All knew that right now it was better to let their sky alone as they knew that it wouldn't end that well for them.

Someone wanted to stop him an older female, but he shook his head and walked off. Right now he couldn't care less about the teacher stopping him and no one dared as they felt an enormous bloodlust. So he walked out of the school and walking up to his Papa.

He glanced at first towards Izuku and then him and breathed out. It seemed that the boy had some broken bones before, but it got healed. What Renato could tell was that the boy was entirely healed, but exhausted. He wanted to say something, but the gloomy aura his son had was enough to take action, so he walked up to take Izuku out of the arms of Tsuna and putting the boy on the bench he was sitting before and walking then up to his son and hugging him. At first, he tensed up, but then he hugged back. Soon he felt his suit getting wet and some hiccups escaping out of his son. A sigh escaped out of his mouth, and he was sure that he would pay a visit to Toshinori and having a "talk" with him.

I am sorry for the wait, but I had an accident and broke my toe. I couldn't concentrate and still kinda can't but it is going better. It can be that I have to operate my bit toe. In addition to that, I got sick so yeah...Oh well, can't change it and hope you had a better week then I did. Don't forget to vote when you like it. With this ja ne~

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