Chapter 7 the storm arrives

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Two years later

Cielo found out that Izuku was three months older than him. Him having his birthday on October 14th and Izuku having it on July 15th. So Izuku was older than him, but it was more that Cielo was the older brother than Izuku. They agreed on this.

Their bond was now permanent. No one managed to break them apart. And no one had dared since they both kicked the three bullies asses; still, the bullying stayed. It was annoying the heck out of Cielo, but thanks to Izuku he wasn't biting everyone to death how Kyoya would say. Izuku knew that he came from a different universe; it was a month after, they met that Cielo told him his path. The boy hugged him and making him feel better. Still, he missed his old friends but knew that they probably won't ever come to him.

Both were now bigger than before, but still, the same height, which was amusing for Cielo. Both now 12 years old and the new year had begun. He met Izuku's mother, and now she was like a mother to him. Mrs. Midoriya instantly was accepted into the family after knowing her more. Now she was for him like a mother. It felt great, too have now a mother figure, as he missed having this in this life. Soon they moved together, as both his papa and Mrs. Midoriya or now mama, how he called her. Both parents decided it would be the best decision. And now both families lived on the same roof, and they changed a lot.

They have shown their real emotions. Still, Cielo was calm and collected, and his feeling shown when he was alone with

Izuku and the adults. It was probably still because he was scared of showing emotion in front of others. It was for sure because he doesn't trust everyone. It made him feel warm and happy about it.

Their training continued, in the two years and now they're known for being good fighters. It wasn't that they were the strongest, but they can put a fight on, and that's without a quirk. The people in school still hadn't known that Izuku had a similar quirk than Cielo. It's not a Quirk, but that was something that no one has to know, at least in the opinion of both of them.

Thanks to the training of the spartan tutor, their body was well toned for twelve-year-olds. Cielo still looked feminine that's why the people in school were calling him, Quirkless girl. He shrugged it off; he couldn't care less what they would call him. At least he wasn't dame-Tsuna anymore. As long as he had Izuku, these comments couldn't hurt him anymore, and the same was for the green haired boy as well.

Now school had finished and, both walked out of school. It was tiresome having the teacher bug them when they weren't paying attention. But what should they do? Cielo, who had learned this stuff in his past life was too dull, and Izuku who had learned from their spartan tutor was almost on par what Cielo knew. Still not perfect but at least he had learned at a quick pace. When it came to language, he knew Italian, Japanese, and English.

"God are these teacher annoying. Right, Izu-nii?"

The green haired boy gave a hum, grinning at him.

"Agreed Tsu-nii."

Since he knew about his past, he was the only person who is calling him like that, other than his father. At least when they are alone, he called him Tsu-nii. When being in school, he still calls him Cielo-nii. Tsuna grinned at him as, well that was until he heard a loud explosion, as well he felt familiar storm flames.

"Don't tell me..."

His voice a whisper, expression painful, yet hopeful. Tsuna hoped this was his storm; he hoped this wasn't just his imagination. The sky flames fluttered, which Izuku noticed, eyes glanced worriedly to his brother figure. This was the first time since long. He saw that expression. His sky flames, latched onto Cielo, as he showed that he was there for him.

The sky flames in him felt the unfamiliar stormy flame.

Izuku, smiled softly taking his hand, as he began to run to where he heard the explosion. Cielo was too frozen in place, to move and he wasn't a surprise. He heard from him how painful it was having, his family not with him. His sky flames longed for them, a bond which still was there. Their bond was strong like his guardians; it was possible that their bond was stronger than theirs.

As they came there, his eyes widen. There was a boy in their age, silver hair some piercings on his ears. Green eyes looked annoyed; he wore a red sweatshirt and black pants. He looked like a delinquent, but Izuku's instinct told him that he was someone good.

What made him blink in surprise as he saw the dynamics he had lit in a red flame, instead of the usual yellow, red flames. His expression scowled as he threw another bunch to the people who were trying to attack him. Izuku's eyes changed into a bright shade of green, as his body moved in a speed which wasn't ordinarily possible for a 12-year-old.

His hand was covered into the orange colored flames, as he punched these away. The frozen Cielo began to help as well. The silver-haired boy looked surprised at them. His eyes widen for a split of a second, as looking at his friend. Izuku gave him a grin as he punched another one.

Soon the people ran away, and now they let out a sigh. Izuku walked up to, Tsuna and putting his arms around squeezing it lightly.


His voice was surprised, as it sounded more painful, yet happy. Tsuna was not looking at him but the ground. The bond Izuku made him feel uncertainty and pain. That made him just let out a sigh, ruffling through his hair and giving the silver boy a huge smile, but it looked more like a warning smile.

"Hello, I am Izuku Midoryia and Tsuna's best friend. He is like a brother to me and don't you dare to hurt him. He has gone through enough already. I don't want to see him again like this."

"Izu-nii, don't worry, he isn't a bully."

He gave him a small smile, and then finally looking at the person who froze in place. Until he heard the voice, his face lit up and is he seeing, dog ears and a wagging tail. He blinked some more and shook his head.

"I won't hurt him, and I must thank you as his right-hand man for helping judaime out."

"It's no problem. He helped me out. He was the person who rescued me from bullies. So your this Hayato Gokudera he always talked about, huh?"

Tsuna sweatdropped a bit seeing the antics; his best friend had right now. Maybe Reborn had rubbed on him, like himself?

"Yeah, seems like we are back as a kid, I am happy to see you again, once again I want to be by your side as the right-hand man."

He bowed in front Tsuna, which made the latter flustered, and looking around nervously.

"Hayato! Please s-stop bo-bowing to me..."

Izuku let, go and see the reaction of his friend made him laugh. He couldn't, not understanding how he reacted. This was the first time Izuku had laughed in front of a stranger. Never was he at ease with other children since this day. He was more confident. Still, the shyness stayed. Izuku always was shy, but weirdly he couldn't be shy with Gokudera.

Tsuna looked at him with a surprised expression, but soon, he began to laugh as well. Hayato looked at them questioningly and shook his head soon. As they stopped laughing, he looked at Hayato with an angelic smile. Finally, one of his guardians was here.


And the storm had arrived. Soon the others will follow. I hope you enjoyed it. With this don't forget to vote when you liked it, ja ne uwu.

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