Chapter 15

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Tsuna sat on a bench, Izuku still hasn't woken up, as his head was on the lap of him. His mind blank worries clouding him. Why wasn't he waking up and what should he do now? Now that he knew that he had these weird feelings he just couldn't remember what they were. His mind that occupied that he hasn't realized it yet, that he was going through the green locks. His expression blank, no emotions seemed to be seen on his face.

"I have arrived!"

A loud voice arrived. A voice which made him come back to reality. There was a gasp heard from the other person.


"Holy shit, you're finally awake. And calm down Izuku."

His eyes glanced at All Might for a second. He wasn't sure how to react to this and why was he here?


Izuku's cheeks a flushed bright red, but he had the feeling that this was because of something else, but he had no clue why. So he shrugged it off, as it was usually like this when Izuku felt embarrassed something. Oh, how wrong he was. There was way more behind it and he was too dense to realize this at that time.

"I came here to talk to you two. Your father told me about you two."

Izuku straightens up as well Tsuna. Still, Tsuna could feel the excitement radiating from the green-haired boy. That made him just chuckle, seemed like he was fine. But still, he was worried.

"Hold up Papa had contact with you? And why?"

He breathed a curse out as All might gave a nod. Something told him that All might needed him for something. Or better, his HI screamed at him that All Might require at least one of them.

"Sorry, I will decline instantly All Might. Izuku would be a better idea, then I am."

Izuku had a puzzled look, and All Might sighed. It seems like his papa told him that he would decline it.

"Young Cielo, are you sure you don't want to hear me out?"

"Yes, my HI knows what it is. I don't want to snatch that chance away from Izuku. I know he will need it more than I do."

Izuku looked just more puzzled, which made the latter boy chuckle. It was way too cute to see him like this.

"Alright, Young Midoryia. I know that you have what is in need, a hero. I want to ask you something. I need someone who will accept something. I need a successor."

His eyes were huge, as his mouth a surprised expression.

"B-but why me? I am Quirkless and...a why do you want to have me?"

"The reason simple Izuku. You're the perfect hero. You helped me many times."

Izuku looked at Cielo with huge eyes. He knew he was right. Giving a substantial bright smile now.

"Young Cielo is right; this was what I expected. Both of you could be my successor. Since Cielo declined it, you will be my successor. So are you going to accept?"

"Yes! Ican'tbelievethatheisreallyhereandthathewantsmetobehissuccessor."

"Izuku you're doing it again."

Hearing this made his hands up and hid his face into them as his face flushed in a prominent shade of red. God, this way too adorable. He probably had a slight shade of pink as well, but he hid it well. And he knew that Izuku was dense so he wouldn't notice it.

"So how is this going to work there must be a catch or no?"

Cielo was curious to know, how he would be the successor of All Might. Soon afterward, he explained to them that Izuku needed to train more. In a few months, the exams would start, and they knew that they needed more training. And this was how their lives changed.

And now they were alone once again. As Izuku stood up, his legs gave up, and he almost fell. Tsuna luckily managed to catch him before he fell on his legs.

"I am sorry I...."

The cheeks were red once more, and Cielo wondered why he was flustered. This had never happened before since they know each other.

"Are you alright?"

Izuku wasn't responsive anymore, which made him realize now the weight he carried. He cursed himself slightly for this. Seems like he wasn't really alright yet. Biting his lips as he began to carry Izuku in bridal style. His expression was not showing any emotions as he made his way home.


Hearing two voices behind him, made him jump up and glancing behind. Both wore a worried expression. He continued to walk afterward.

"Tsuna wait, what happened?"

"Villain attack..."

The two other gasp at this and looking more worried now. It was probably nothing, and he was way too concerned about it. But he couldn't help it, not after knowing that he has a crush on him.

"So both of you got into that Villain fight with that weird slug thing?"

Cielo's eyes widening as he heard what Hayato said. He breathed out glancing down at the unconscious Izuku and looking back up. He gave a little nod at both of them. Both of them glanced at each other like they would have a conversation. Cielo was not noticing it as he was way too worried for his crush.

Conversation between Take and Take

"Do you think he realizes that he has feelings for Izuku?"

"Of course did you see how Tsuna-sama looks worried for Izuku-sama. Like he is in his own world."

With this, their conversation came to halt when noticing that Cielo had walked off without them. Both were giving each other one knowing glance and then following after Cielo.

There was now a silence between all the three and the two guardians began to get more worried about their sun. The only thing that made Tsuna like this was when the people he holds dear getting injured. Like right now, he was silent and both knew that he was worried for Izuku.

15 minutes later

The silence stayed and as they entered the apartment it was clear that Cielo was still on his mind. Soon two footsteps could be heard and the familiar lighting and sun flame could be felt.

"So stupido figlio you and Izuku got into trouble again huh?"

That made the trick for Tsuna and he bit his lips not looking at his father. He was nervous now and knowing too well how his papa was.

"Can you stop being nervous. I am not angry at you, but you need to be more careful."

Tsuna could hear the worry in his tone. He breathed out and giving a little nod. Right now he isn't in the mood for talking.


This was one of the first time he was like this. Usually, he would have said something, but he hasn't said anything other than giving him a little nod. He raised an eyebrow and let out a sigh. It was making him worried for Tsuna as he wasn't usually like this. His eyes looked at Izuku and he realized the reasoning behind his silent. Later he will have to talk to Tsuna about this. So he took the unconscious Izuku from Tsuna and walking to the room. His mother was away with a friend. He would have to tell her later. In the three years, they grew close like best friends with the woman. The kindness was similar like Maman.

He checked Izuku over to see what injuries the boy has, but lucky it seemed that he was just unconscious because of exhaustion. Reborn saw by now Izuku like his own son so he got worried for a second. Tucking the boy into bed and breathing out. Now all that was need was to talk with his figlio about his unusual behavior.

Another chapter and let's see how it will continue. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did when writing it. With this don't forget to vote when you did like it. Ja ne see you in the next chapter.

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