Chapter 13 the final guardian arrive

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A few minutes later, the hug was left, but his lighting was clingy on him. Tsuna didn't mind as right now; he was too worried about his storm. The silence was making Takeshi and Lambo worried. Their friend usually wasn't that quiet.

"So was it a Villain attack, and why were these people after you?"

Both shivered at the tone, it was cold, yet there was a worried undertone in it. They both knew shits about to go down when their Cielo has that tone.

"We assume it was; the person told us something about the league of villains."

Tsuna hummed as looking at Takeshi. These people will pay, but he knew he wouldn't manage to fight.

"They're probably attacked Bakadera because of me."

Tsuna raised his brow in confusion at this. What had Lambo done to get on their wrong side? He heard about that group of Villains, but they weren't that known yet. His papa told him about that after he was a hitman through and through but funny enough, in this life, he was more seen of a hero. Tsuna still couldn't get used that Reborn was now a hero.

(Forgot to mention this XD)

"When I woke up, I was in a cell; I guess my self was used as an experiment."

Tsuna's eyes widen as hearing this, so that was why they were after him.

"I see, I am glad that you got out. We need to hide you until things calm down, lucky they didn't see my face."

"Alright, so what now?"

There was a sigh of the dark haired boy. His eyes narrowed, he wished he could do something, but his hands were bound, he couldnt do anything in his 12-year-old body. After all, he wa just a kid.

Hayato got healed from Reborn. Everything calmed down soon afterward. All the people in the room decided to stay put. They didn't like it but couldn't do anything, and so it was the next day.

Today was the last day for Tsuna, sadly Hayato had to stay home as well Lambo as the danger still was out there for his lighting.

And so he was with just the three of them walking to school. Like always they held hands, Cielo was glad about this as he wasn't sure he could handle this without Izuku. He couldn't imagine a life without his cute brother figure. Takeshi glanced at them with concern; it was probably because he has seen how the students were.

Just one more day and he can finally begin a new school life without having to worry about the bullying anymore.

"Don't worry Takeshi we will be fine."

Cielo gave him a reassuring smile before, he breathed out, and his expression changed into the calm and recollected expression like always. He was prepared for anything today.

"Haha, alright Tsuna but, please don't push yourself too hard."

There was a different meaning behind it, and Tsuna knew. It meant "don't you worry no one will get away with hurting my sky." Tsuna shook his head and let out a sigh, and so they were in front of the school now.

Time Skip

Izuku almost lashed out at the one bully. The reason was simple; the boy called Tsuna a monster once more. Thanks to Takeshi nothing had happened, but the people who watched it now believed that boy.

Luckily for them, it was their last day, so Tsuna stayed quiet. This time he wasn't feeling particular mad or anything. His feelings pretty much numb down; these words couldn't injure him anymore.

And so their last day ended no one tried anything anymore, because this time they were far too scared to make them angry. As they walked down, it was silent no one sad anything. The three were exhausted. At least for Tsuna and Izuku, it helped them holding hands so that they felt each other.

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