Chapter 21

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With Izuku and Renato...

Maybe it was pure luck, but both heard near them a shoot and another one. Heh, that bond of those two grew, and it seemed that it was more than just pure luck. So both ran where the sound came and stopped in their tracks. In front of them were Cielo and two others. His eyes narrowed as he saw Izuku getting carried unconscious on one of their shoulders. He could see blood on his son, which made him want to kill them. But he knew that he couldn't because his son hated that.

(Reborn grown soft in the years with being with Tsuna. He tried not to kill often, knowing that the brunet didn't want that.)

They will pay, that was clear. They wouldn't die, but they will be roughed up enough that they will wish that they would have died. It seemed that Izuku had the same thought as he dashed forward and hitting the first person, making the person hit the wall. It was hard enough to make a dent in the wall. As next, he dashed to the person who had Cielo.

"Stop right there, or do you want him to die?"

That did the trick as Izuku stopped and glared at the person in front of him. It wasn't the first time that Cielo got almost kidnapped. Or at least in his past life. Renato knew too well how Tsuna was, after all, trouble follows him everywhere. Why was he surprised that he got now in a kidnapping situation?

"You two stay where you are, and nothing will happen to that boy."

He breathed out and shaking his head. Was that idiota that dumb to realize that he was Reborn? He never used any real costume. His suit and his fedora was the only thing he always wore. Or mostly there are times he wore different clothes, but usually, he stayed with the suit and his fedora.


He didn't need to say more as the chameleon changing into a green weapon. Before he realized it, he was shot. It was a bullet that made another pass out. He needed to have balls none life-threatening, or Cielo will be angry at him. He knew how his son was, and that was precisely why he made them. With a thud, he fell on the ground with Cielo as well.


Izuku instantly made his way over to Cielo, aka Tsuna. The teen was still unconscious, and Izuku wasn't really caring about the adult as he knew that Renato, aka Reborn, was a Hero, and he knew that this person wasn't dead. He grimaced as seeing the injures Tsunayoshi had. He was sure that he was tougher up after all. He seemed to sweat a lot and was pale. Not to mention that he breathed weirdly. And the blood which was on his shoulder and leg was enough to make him more concerned.

He was panicking, not knowing what to do. In his panic, he began to mutter again so that he didn't notice that Renato was coming towards him. He stopped when hearing a shooting sound. Turning his head, he saw Renato giving him a disapproving look. He breathed out and letting the adult go to Tsuna.

"Call the authorities right now. I will take care of the injures. He should be fine."

Izuku gave a quick nod to Renato as he took his phone out and beginning to talk with the authorities. Afterward, he breathed out. It seemed that it would take them a bit to come here. Now he should message his friends, but he was worried that they would go and try a murder the villains. Never they would cause havoc, and Tsuna was out of it and probably drugged. Why else would he be passed out?

His gut told him that the drug wasn't chloroform but something else. There was the news about a drug that is making the person pass out for hours. It was something similar to chloroform as it is liquid-like that drug. He glanced at Renato, who used his quirk to heal Tsuna. It seemed to work, but the teen was still out of the cold.

//You know what screw that; I am going to call them. They are still his friends, and I can stop them from causing havoc...//

Izuku knew that with the healing, it still will take a bit longer than usual. It seemed that Renato was pissed and made a clicking sound as he glared at the two unconscious people. The two people were lucky that they didn't get too injured. What they didn't expect was that some smoke suddenly came. So that the two were on guard, and as soon as the smoke cleared, the two Villains disappeared with it.

"Tsk, they managed to escape. When I get them the next time they will pay. Now, all we can do is wait, but first, you call his guardians here."

Izuku wanted to protest in calling the guardians, but seeing how Renato looked at him made him give a slight nod towards the adult. But he decided to write in their group chat instead as it was faster than calling.

Cute Broccoli is typing...

Cute Broccoli: Hey guys bad news Tsuna got attacked and it was kind of my fault. I will give the address. Give me a moment.

He shook his head at the nickname, it seemed that Tsuna had once again changed his name. He chuckled and waiting for the answers, which took not too long as the first message was written...

Puppy: Tsk, who the hell changed my nickname again! Never mind what the hell do you mean Tsuna-sama got attacked?! Is he alright? And why are you in an alleyway!? 

Laughing idiot: Haha, wow how mean changing my name into this. Calm down Haya-chan I am sure that it should be fine after all. Izu-chan is with him.

Cute Broccoli: Guys, not now. You have to come to the address, comes from Renato. He is angry so better not let him. Wait

Cute Broccoli logged off...

He breathed out and sitting right next to the still unconscious Tsuna. Now he was more worried, but he was sure that it should be fine after all Renato was healing him...


Another chapter was written. Sorry for the wait, but I couldn't concentrate. I hope you liked that chapter. I will write now on the others. I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote when you liked it. Ja ne~.

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