Chapter 12 the lighting arrives

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A young boy was running through the streets. The boy clutched onto his bag with his dear life, behind him ran a few men in blacks. These cursed under their breath. So the kid turned around, ending at a dead end. The face of him paled, he backed more away more.

A man grabbed the child on the arm, tugged him with him. As a child, it was difficult to get away from a man. His eyes widen as his whole body was shaking. The kid had dark green hair; it almost looked like black. The hair looked curly. The eye color, which usually would be turquoise, was now glowing green.

"Let go of Lambo-sama!"

The air began to be electrified, as, around him, some spark shown. The male took out a cloth, which was wet. Usually, the kid would fast, but it was too late for the child, as the fabric put on his mouth. The electricity got less, as the kid tried to get out of the grip, but it was too late.

He slumped down, and the adults let out a sigh. What no one expected was as each guy punched at high speed. All that had seen afterward was a bright orange-colored line. All males slumped down; the person who hit the adults had an angry expression. His eyes glowed orange. One thing was clear; that he had to get the kid out before more of these guys came.

He was in front of the now unconscious boy. The boy had black hair; eyes still shone bright orange color. This person was Cielo Sinclair. He was calm, slowly picking up the now unconscious boy as well the bag which was near the boy. The boy seemed around five years old. With that, he sped off, with the same speed he came into the dead end.

Time Skip

Cielo knocked a few times on the door with his shoes. His eyes still shone bright orange. Expression unreadable, it was way too calm. Cielo had to fight sometimes against the man in black. He was wondering who they were, but at least he got the kid rescued. Cielo looked at the kid once more, and the boy looked so familiar to Lambo. As the door opened, his papa was in front of him.

At first, he wanted to scold him probably but seeing the kid in the arm of his son, he stopped. Cielo walked into the apartment, not saying a thing. He walked into the living room, put the child down. His eyes stopped shining orange, expression still way to calm. The dark-haired boy sat next to the boy, going calmly through the hair.

"What happened? I got a call from school that you still hadn't arrived yet."

"Some mafia was after him. I don't know the details, but they were. My HI told me to go somewhere, and I found him. He is Lambo. I am sure about that."

His voice calm, the whole calm demeanor was weird for Renato. That was until he saw how shaky the body was from his son. His lips thin, not sure how to help his son to calm down. It wasn't soon afterward that the door opened.

The footsteps rushed as they neared into the room. Two people entered the room. One had sky flames, and the second person had rain flames. As they came in, both had a worried expression.

Cielo still petting the younger boys hair, with a calm expression. His eyes glanced at them for a second, as he raised one of his eyebrows in question.

"We have a problem, Tsuna."

Sky flames flared up. His eyes once more turned into a bright shade of orange. His HI told him that his storm was injured before the two came.


Was all he said, Takeshi gave a quick nod.

"How bad?"

"It could be worse, Takeshi had to do something real quick. As soon as just the two of us were alone, we got attacked."

This time it was Izuku who told him this, his stomach dropped. He let out a sigh. All this was something that had happened before.

"We came to get Reborn. Is this Lambo and is he fine?"

Eyes glanced at a second to the still sleeping child. He gave the nod, but this time his eyes had a worried shimmer in them.

"I will stay here. You papa go with them. I will be fine."

There was hesitation from the adult, but looking at his son, he knew that Cielo would be fine.

"Alright, when something is, call me, you hear?"

"Yeah, I don't want to leave Lambo."

With that two turned around, the only person who stayed was his rain. Maybe they talked about it before coming here. Cielo was okay with this; he was still way too calm.

"Tsuna are you really alright?"

There was a pause from, the asked person. Was he fine? The answer was clear; he wasn't. He was a boss, and as a boss, you had to have a calm head.

"Come here, Tsuna."

At first, he wanted to protest, but seeing the expression seen on Takeshi, he couldn't. So he stood up glancing one last time at the unconscious child. As he walked up to the other boy, he was taken in a hug instantly. He felt the rain flame coming out of Takeshi; he calmed down. His tensed muscle relaxed, as his shaky breath as well.


"Don't worry about it Tsuna; next time, please tell us when you're not alright."

A hum heard from the person. Tsuna really should stop hiding things for them.

"Tsu-nii? Takeshi?"

A voice came from behind them. It was soft. It was a voice he knew instantly. Takeshi let go of the hug, now both looked at the person who was now looking at them. The child ran up to Tsuna and tackled him in a hug. In his surprise, he had lost his footing and fell on the ground.

At first, a chuckle escaped out of his mouth, but soon it ended into a full-blown laugh. His cheeks wet, it wasn't that he was sad. No, it was because of happiness, so happy that the tears came out of his eyes.

Soon he would have his other guardians as well. Still, he was worried about his storm. He hoped that it wasn't too bad.

Hope you enjoyed it, the next chapter. The next chapter is another times skip.

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