chapter three

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One week later
I was sitting on my bed scrolling through Instagram when Kenzie and Lexi came into my room with mischievous grins on their faces. If I'm killed, you guys know who's responsible.

"Can I help you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "We have a little surprise for you..." Lexi said, while Kenzie pulled out an envelope from behind her back.

They came over and sat on my bed, anxiously waiting for me to open the envelope. I looked at the two girls before bringing my attention back to the envelope.

When I opened it and saw a piece of paper folded in half, I was confused. "What is this?" I asked, looking at Kenzie who was squealing. "Just open it, Idiot." Lexi said, and I opened the paper.

Before I could read the paper, three tickets fell out. Looking at them closely, I saw that they were for none other than Ruel.

I looked up with tears in my eyes to see Lexi recording and Kenzie with the biggest smile on her face.

"When is it?" I asked. "Two weeks." Kenzie said, holding my hand. "Sorry, we couldn't get meet and greet tickets." Lexi said, still recording.

"I don't care. I'm seeing Ruel, and with the two best friends anyone could ask for. Bring it in!" I squealed and we all hugged. Lexi stopped recording, and I picked up my phone.

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Liked by oneruel and 8,563 othersellajohnson fourteen days

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Liked by oneruel and 8,563 others
ellajohnson fourteen days

View all 389 comments
lexijayde i would ask for my shirt back but it looks too good on you
ellajohnson love you mom
oneruel only 336 hours
ellajohnson that seems like a long time...
kenzie get your butt back in here to finish the movie

The girls stayed over and we watched a couple of movies. We all fell asleep on my couch, in very uncomfortable positions.

I woke up at three in the morning to the sound of Lexi and Kenz giggling at something on their phones. "What is it?" I groggily asked. "Nothing. Go back to sleep..." Lexi said. You don't have to tell me twice.

DMs between Lexi and Ruel

I woke up the next morning to the sounds of Lex lightly snoring

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I woke up the next morning to the sounds of Lex lightly snoring. I smiled at her and carefully got off of the couch to make breakfast.

After our avocado toast, the girls left and I had the house to myself. My parents are both away working, like usual. Once we're all eighteen, Kenz, Lex and I are moving in together.

Thirteen days. Thirteen days until I see Ruel. I'm a little bit bummed that we won't be able to talk to each other but the fact that I even get to go to the show is crazy.

What is he going to think when he sees me? Am I going to be enough for him? I like him, which seems crazy. We haven't even talked to each other. He doesn't even know what I sound like. Maybe I should call him today.

I'm stressing out. I need to take a shower and relax. I connect my speaker to my phone and played my shower playlist. The first song that starts playing is Dazed and Confused. I smile, and hop in the shower.

Later that night

Incoming FaceTime from ruel 🤙🏻|accept|   |decline|

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Incoming FaceTime from ruel 🤙🏻
|accept|   |decline|

I fixed my hoodie and sat down on my bed before answering the FaceTime from Ruel. This is it. I pressed accept and waited for his face to load on the screen.

When it did, I saw just how gorgeous he is. I stared at him for a couple seconds longer than I probably should have. Quick, say something. "Hi." I said awkwardly. I've never been good with FaceTimes. Or social interaction, for that matter.

"Hi, El." He said, smiling. "Oh my god it's actually you." I accidentally blurted out, covering my mouth after my stupid statement. He laughed at my remark. "Flesh and blood, honey." He said in a girly voice.

Once we got passed our, well more my, awkward introductions we talked for a couple of hours. It was like I've known him my entire life. I've never felt this way with anyone else. My eyes started to get heavy and I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

Ruel's POV:
We talked for a couple of hours. It was really nice, and it never got awkward. She's so amazing, and I definitely like her, even if we haven't seen each other in person. Yet...

I could see her eyelids starting to close and before I knew it, she fell asleep. Light snores erupted from her mouth, and I watched her sleep peacefully for a couple of minutes. I'm such a creep, but I can't help it. She's so beautiful.

"Goodnight, Beautiful..." I whispered, before ending the FaceTime. Coco and Sylvie bursted into my room and started jumping on my bed.

"Who's Ella?" Coco asked with a smirk on her face. "She's... a friend." I said, blushing. "Liar!" Sylvie said, pinching my arm.

So, I told them everything. Was it a mistake? Probably.

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