chapter five

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I wake up at eleven the next day, all alone. I go downstairs to see Kenzie and Lexi huddled over Lexi's phone, giggling.

"Hi." I say groggily. "Get dressed, we're going out to brunch." Kenzie demands. "Good morning to you too." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

I went upstairs and got changed into some of the clothes that I left at Lexi's house from previous visits. I settle on a green t-shirt, denim shorts, and red converse.

I unplugged my phone, brushed my teeth and hair and went downstairs. "I'm ready!" I said to the two girls who weren't paying attention.

We got into Lexi's Jeep and started driving to a cafe. We parked, and the girls went up to order while I found a table. I was scrolling through my phone mindlessly when I heard a "Hi." Come from above me in an Australian accent I know all too well.

I slowly look up to see him. I immediately get out of my seat and go to give him a massive hug. "Oh my god, what are you doing here?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.

"I'm here for the weekend and I wanted to surprise you." He said, pulling me into another hug. "But how did you know I was here?" I mumbled into the hug.

He pulls away and points at Lexi and Kenzie who are recording with smirks on their faces. "I can't believe you're actually here. Do you want to eat with us?" I excitedly asked.

"Sure! I'm going to go to the bathroom though. I'll be back." He said, and walked away. Lexi and Kenzie came over to the table and I immediately interrogated them. They showed me messages between them and Ruel.

He came back and we sat down and ate. It took us a long time because we were talking the whole time, not focusing on our food. When we were leaving the building, Lexi and Kenzie pushed me to the side.

"You should go with him, text us later." Lexi said with a wink. I hugged both of them before going back over to Ruel.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him. "I'm not really familiar with the area, so you can decide." He said, leading me to his car. For thirty minutes we talked and sang along to the songs on my playlist. He would tease me about how much of his music there was on the playlist, but I know that he secretly enjoyed it.

We pulled up to the makeshift parking lot and he came around to open my door. I thanked him, before grabbing his hand and holding it in mine. "You didn't take me to the woods to kill me right?" He sarcastically asked. "Just wait." I said, rolling my eyes.

We got to a spot by a creek and we sat down on the rocks. We talked for a long time, and I felt like I've known him forever.

oneruel's Instagram story

"No words to express this beauty"

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"No words to express this beauty"

When it started to get late, I had another idea. "Do you like the fair?" I asked, standing up. He jumped up excitedly and grabbed my hand. "I love the fair." He said, leading me back to the car.

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