chapter six

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Ruel's POV:
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. At first I was confused as to where I was but then I remembered last night and a smile immediately formed on my face.

I looked down to see El still sleeping with her head on my chest. I got up, careful not to wake her. I went downstairs to the kitchen and raided the cabinets for something to make for breakfast.

I made a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and a cup of coffee for El. I carefully walked it upstairs to her room to see her with her eyes open.

"G'morning sleepy head." I said, smiling at her. I brought the food over to her and she sat up at the headboard. "You didn't have to..." she trailed on. "You let me stay the night, this was the least I could do." I said, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Do you want some?" She asked and I turned around to face her. "It's all yours." I said. Right after I said that, my stomach started growling. She came over and sat beside me and fed me some of the pancakes. "Damn, I'm a good chef." I said with a smile which got her to laugh. Absolute perfection.

"So, I was thinking that we could go to the beach today, if you would like that of course." She said, putting down her fork. "Sounds great!" I said, taking her plate to clean it off.

Two hours later
Ella's POV:
We just got to the beach and it was literally the perfect day to go. We set up our stuff on the sand and then took off our clothes, revealing our swim suits.

"Come on!" I said, dragging him into the water. He followed behind me, laughing at my excitement.

As soon as we got in, I was already cold. "Shit, it's cold." Ruel said, looking down at me. "You took the words right out of my mouth." I said, giggling at him.

I looked up at him, there was quite a big height difference. He had a mischievous grin on his face. "What are you-" Before I could even finish my sentence he grabbed my legs and picked me up bridal style and dunked me in the water.

"You are so dead!" I jokingly said, splashing water at him. "Bring it on." He said, splashing me back.



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